Part 5

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One day later, Red found Mokey in bed, and she was in pain. "Mokey," said Red, "What's the matter? Are you alright" Mokey turned around to face Red and said, "Red! The baby!" Red was perplexed. "What about it?" Mokey clenched her hands to her stomach and groaned and said, "It's time Red, IT"S TIME!" "Time for what Mokey? Just tell me please." Exclaimed Red. "It's time for the baby to be born!" Red was in shock! "Oh NO! This is bad! Really, really bad! I think I should call a doctor! No... I need to get Boober. He'll know what to do." " Red," Mokey groaned, "don't panic! I'm going to be alright! I have hours to go yet!" Red was not convinced and she went to get Boober anyway. Boober was lying down just when Red came in and shouted "Boober!" Boober got so startled that he fell out of his bed, and he bumped his head and twisted his tail. "Ouch!" Boober exclaimed, "Well, what is the matter?" Red was in a panic and in a hurry, "its Mokey! It's time!" Boober was a little confused at first on what Red was talking about, but he then realized, "Oh My Gosh! I need to get to Mokey! I hope she's alright!"  Red stopped him for a moment and said, " just remember, Mokey is full term in her pregnancy. She's in labor! Come on! Let's go! She needs you!"


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