Part 3

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     The next morning, Mokey arrived at Weft's cave for her appointment, and Weft asked in a polite manner, "How is the Little Fraggle doing?" Mokey responded, "Just fine. Thank you for asking." She sat down and Weft took Mokey's blood pressure and temperature, which were normal, and Weft said, "Were there any complications?" Mokey shook her head and said, "No complications at all. Everything is going very well." Weft nodded and said, "Very well, my dear, very well indeed. Did you get enough sleep?" Mokey had to be honest and said, "Well... I tried to get some rest, but I am just so restless these days, and I didn't get a wink of sleep." Weft understood. A Fraggle who is having a baby sure does go through a lot of changes in her mood, and also in her body as well, but this was all a part of nature. Weft took out her stethoscope and listened to Mokey's heart, and it was beating calmly, but was very strong.She placed the stethoscope onto  Mokey's stomach to hear the baby's heart. What Weft heard made her smile. "Mokey, My dear, you have to listen to this!" Weft put the ear pieces of the stethoscope into  Mokey's ears, and Mokey was surprised on what she heard.  She heard a little heartbeat, a heartbeat that was softer and faster than her own. Mokey smiled. She was so happy to know that the baby is healthy and doing okay

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