•how you cuddle•

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he would probably ask for you to lay on top of him because i see him quite possessive so he would also wrap his arms around you as well.


very likely you would be the little spoon but at some point it would end up as the opposite position. you both don't know how or why this happens.


cuddling with him is kind of  awkward while you just hug with your foreheads touching and legs tangled together.


acts like you're a pillow so he forgets he's squeezing you.

(size of an egg. sorry requester but if the chapters are short that means i have more time to write more chapters.) 

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but you also need to request to.

update: ok im so stupid bc this has been up for about a week and i didn't notice i for got nagisa and so one commented about it so thank you to them for reminding me about nagisa and how fucking stupid i am.

nagisa: nothing really special happens you both just hug awkwardly together. so i guess you can fangirl to that idk

edited bitches

tell me if i fucked something up again

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