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Maka & The Thomson Sisters

"What are they doing?" Maka exclaimed, "Black Star can't possibly use Soul! They're just being idiots!"

"He's lifting him, he's lifting him!" Patty yelled jumping up and down.

"What? No way!"

Maka looked shocked.

"How could this be, Maka?" Liz wondered, "I thought their 'soul wavelengths' were to different."

"I thought so, too"

"Yeeees, it's working!" Black Star yelled, standing in a prideful pose and holding the scythe over his head, "How did you do it?"

"I'm thinking about when I will become Death Scythe, But hurry up, I can't possibly maintain this for very long"

"All right!" Black Star looked at the witch, "We're ready!"

"Oh, finally," the witch yawned, "I was about to fall asleep. A conversation between an idiot and a smart one is rather tiring."

"Who is the smart one?" Black Star wondered.

"My point exactly," the witch smirked.

"Shut up or I'll cut you into pieces! Well, I'll cut you anyway, even if you don't shut up! Let's go, Soul!"

Kid & Tsubaki

Are you all right, Kid?" Tsubaki asked.

"How annoying," Kid said grimly, standing up after a fall, "The sound of her screech bounces off the barrier and creates multiple echoes, which makes it very hard to concentrate. On top of that, close-range weapons are harder to use that I thought"

"I told you so," Tsubaki sighed.

"Done already, Shinigami junior?" the witch sniggered, levitating in the air before him, "What a letdown. I thought that I was honored to be the one to kill the son of Grim Reaper, but now I find myself rather humiliated. Why am I the one to fight the weakest? It's no fun."

Kid seemed to have ignored the witch's mockery and picked up his board.

"Round two," he said, "Let's go, Tsubaki."

Soul & Blackstar

"Just one slash and you are a goner!" Black Star yelled angrily, chasing after the witch with the scythe in his hands "I'll show you who's the idiot here!"

"I already know that," the witch taunted him playfully, agilely evading and escaping every attack.

"Shut up or I'll cut you!"

"You'll have to catch me first!"

"You'd like it, don't you, witch?"

"Ah-ha-ha, look who's talking!"

"All I want is to slice you to pieces!"

"Darn it, Black Star, hurry up!" Soul said angrily, "I can't hold my egoism at such a high level for much longer! How the heck can you stay like this all the time?"

"Because I'm Black Star! And I will surpass everyone! Hey, you're getting heavier!"

"You bet I am, you idiot! Not only that I'm unable to keep my 'soul wavelength' adjusted to yours anymore, but you're making yours even more self-absorbed by bragging about yourself!" Soul yelled angrily.


"Just get her already!"

"Easier said that done, boy," the witch laughed, "I feel that your partner is getting tired. Just wait and see how the hunter will become the hunted soon, because unlike his body, mine never gets tired. I'll show you what a dreadful mistake it is to hunt a lynx."

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