When you want to suck his blood

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You watched him from the shadows, waiting hungrily for the right moment to strike.

There he was.

Laying on the couch like always, he had his eyes closed.

And his hearing blocked by his earbuds.

You crept over slowly, your face shadowed by the moonlight, your pale skin glistening from the stars.

You carefully bent down, getting onto your knees. You stared at his peaceful resting face, then licked your lips.

Bearing your fangs, you brought your mouth down to his neck.

You placed your fangs onto his neck when suddenly he yawned.

You flinched and fell backwards in shock.

He shifted and put the collar of his shirt over his neck.

You sighed. Damn lazy vampire.


You stayed perfectly silent as he flipped the page of his book again. He was completely focused on it.

Too focused.

You wanted his attention, but nothing would get him to focus on you.

If only you were that book.

What was even so great about that book?

You got closer and looked over his shoulder quietly. He stayed silent.

You looked at him.

You stared at him.

You got closer.

"Reiji-Kun." You whispered.

"Reijiiiiiiiii-Chan~" You sang.

"Reiji-Samaaaaaa~~" You went on. His eyebrow twitched.

You watched it.

Still no reply.

You sighed, giving up.

But then, you had an idea.

You opened your mouth lightly and breathed on his neck. There was a slight shifting of him in his chair.

You grazed your tongue over his skin and watched him try to keep his pokerface.


you bit him.

Well, needless to say you got his attention.

But I wouldn't necessarily count that as good.

You were complaining that you were thirsty all day.

"Just go find some human, then." He would mumble, then bother Yui to make him some takoyaki.

You sighed and pouted over in your room, trying to form a plan as to what to do.

You had an idea.

Ayato was currently in his room undressing to ready for a bath.

You carefully snuck into his bedroom and shut the door behind you, looking for him.

You saw his shirt fly from the bathroom. He must be undressing..

You blushed and hid against the wall, peeking in slightly on him.

You saw him dump the bottle of bubbles into the bath water, rolling your eyes.

He got in and was completely covered in bubbles.

You frowned. How were you going to bite him if he was covered in bubbles? Yuck.

You sat on his bed and sighed silently, eventually falling asleep.

A very confused and naked Ayato soon found you.

If only you were awake..


He was eating his cake and talking to Teddy, ignoring you for the moment. You were dressed up as a marionette puppet, due to Kanato just wanting to see what you'd look like, much to your dissatisfaction.

You sighed and licked your lips drily. You watched him lift his fork and bring it to his lips, before shoving the fork in his mouth and chewing the piece of cake. You sighed and looked at the floor. "Hey, Teddy, do you think Y/N-Chan wants some of our cake?"

You looked back up upon hearing your name. You shook your head. He scoffed. "I wasn't asking you, I was asking Teddy."

You crossed your arms and huffed. "Kanato-Kun...I'm thirsty.." You muttered.

Kanato pointed over to a glass of juice. "We have plenty of drinks here, Y/N!" He giggled.

You shook your head. "I want blood..."

Kanato grimaced, then sighed.

"I knew turning you into a vampire was bad."


You were currently standing at Laito's door to his room. You really wanted his blood. It was a full moon, and it just made it worse.


If you asked,

He'd most likely end up fucking you over with innuendos.

You sighed and knocked on the door.

"Hmmm?~ Who is it?" you heard him ask. "Me." You said bluntly.
He opened the door. "Ahh~ Y/N-Kun~ What a surprise~" He grinned. "Have you come to finally partake on my offer?~"
You shuddered. "No.." He pouted.
"Then what ARE you here for?"

You shifted in place and looked at the ground, mumbling incoherently.

"Hmm? What was that? I couldn't hear you~" He smirked.

"I'm thirsty..and..I want your blood.." You said quietly. His smirk grew.

"Right this way~" He said as he gestured to the bedroom. You gave a worried glance and went in.

"This'll be fun~"


You were pretty content with him holding you. The only thing that you didn't like was the fact he was not talking to you.

You sighed and poked his cheek. "Subaru.." you whined. He glanced down at you silently. "Why aren't you talking to me?.." You asked quietly, brushing his hair from his eyes. He yawned. Then it dawned on you. You hadn't seen him rest all week.

You took your time looking over his face to see that he did indeed have dark circles under his eyes.

You frowned. "Subaru, you should rest.."

Subaru rolled his eyes and put his head against the wall.

"I've been thinking." He interrupted. You blinked. "About you. Tch. I can't believe you let yourself get made into a vampire." He put his fist under his chin. "It was really stupid of you." You frowned.

"I didn't mean to, and Reiji said the potion will only last until I drink blood."

Subaru looked back down at you. "Then drink mine."

"Subaru!" You huffed. "I can't! It would hurt you. And it's gross anyways.." The last part was just a lie to yourself.

Subaru took a knife from his pocket and slit his finger. You were about to ask what he was doing, but he had already shoved his finger into your mouth. You blushed noticeably and stared at him with round eyes. "Drink." He demanded. So you did. Which just embarrassed you further. But it did make the potion wear off and make you turn back into a human, so, it was worth it.

Though, you didn't notice the boner showing through his jeans until after you got up.

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