When you have the baby (Flashback to; "When you're pregnant")

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He stared at the baby in your arms, poking at it's cheek.

"This is it?"

You looked up at him confused, your face still a bit pink from the work. "W-well yes.." you held the child a bit closer to your chest, frowning.

He sat back in his chair, propping his face into his hands and staring at the baby. "It's too little." You stroked the baby's back. "Well, it was just born.." He yawned a bit, his fangs flashing. This of course made the baby start to cry as you tried to calm it, panicking a bit.

He rolled his eyes and left the room to have some peace and quiet, leaving you to deal with the child for the rest of the day as he slept on a waiting room couch.


"If you had followed my instructions on when to push, you wouldn't be so worn out now." He gently bounced the baby in his arms, looking down at the half-passed out you. "I-" you panted, weakly swallowing some tea he gave you to catch your breath. "I couldn't..help it.."

He sets the baby back onto your chest as it fusses. "Very well. I suppose there is no need to dwell upon the past. You delivered our child and that is what matters." You smiled a bit, wrapping your arms around the child. "I love you, Reiji-Senpai.." He adjusted his glasses. "For the sake of this child, I suppose I will have to say that back, now."


"-and that's my kid! I made that." Ayato grinned, bragging to all the nurses and doctors. You had delivered the baby two hours ago.

"I'm gonna teach him how to shoot hoops! And how to get women!" You scoffed a bit. "Ayato," He waved you off, bragging even more. You glared. "Ayato!" He turned to face you. "What?!"

"It's a girl!"




"Nee...will he get his own Teddy, then?.." Kanato mused uncomfortably as the baby started to grasp Teddy. "Kanato, could you share, please?.." You whispered, a bit fearful. "Just for now..He finally stopped crying.." Kanato glared at the child. "I don't want to share."

He snatched Teddy back, jolting the baby forwards. "Kanato!" You screamed, reaching out to grab the child before it hit the floor. But, you were too late.

You sobbed as Kanato picked up the child, it's head falling back on it's broken neck.

He was silent for a moment, then placed the baby back in it's glass crib.

"I didn't want a boy, anyways."


You hummed a nursery rhyme as you gently played with the baby's hands, holding it close to your chest.

Laito seemed happy just watching. That is, until he asked. "Can I hold him?~" You looked up at him a bit unsure, but decided to teach him, in the end. I mean, this was something he should know. You gently handed him the baby. He tried to mimic how you were holding it. "Y/N-Kun.." He frowned. "His eyes aren't as green as mine are." He poked the baby's cheek, which in turn, made it start to cry. "Y/N-Kun it won't stop---" he bounced the baby gently, looking up at you in a panic as you laughed.


Subaru was currently holding the child as he panicked, asking you a bunch of questions and making sure you were alright.

You giggled tiredly. "I'm fine, Subaru-Kun." He smiled a bit, fixing the baby's blanket. "She looks like you." He commented, running a hand over your cheek then looking back at the baby, which had started to cry. He flinched a bit. "Ah--Y/N-Chan.. " You took the baby from his arms and unbuttoned the small snap on your hospital gown. "W-wait you're gonna-??" You looked up at him questionably. "W-will you be okay?.." You giggled. "I'll be fine."

You blushed a bit as you nursed the baby. Subaru was sitting right in front of you, stroking the baby's head with his finger. His gaze was soft and his eyes were a bit sparkly.

"That's so cool."

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