When You Want A Pet

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"Shu! Look what I found!" You held up a small injured puppy, frowning. "Where does Reiji keep the first aid kit?"

Shu pointed to the cabinet, making you quickly flow to the area and start washing the small pup's wound. It whimpered and squirmed, making you sigh as you put the bandage over it's leg. It was quite small. It probably was abandoned.

Your heart sank as the dog started to lick your hands for any source of water, and you quickly got it some food and water. "There.."

The canine happily munched and slurped up what you had given him.

You looked over at Shu, who was watching.

"Bring him here." he ordered, sleepily reaching one arm out. You quietly picked up the full pup and set him on Shu's chest, making the small dog lick his face.

For once, Shu smiled.



You turned to the bespectacled man, eyes widening at the sight.

"What is this hair on my clothes." Reiji asked sternly, looking more than pissed off.

"A-ah! Senpai, I'm sorry-!" Panicking, you quickly ran over and started brushing the hair off, fearing another punishment.

Reiji sighed in disappointment. "Honestly, I thought you would know better than to bring an animal into the house without my consent."

Your face turned a bit red in humiliation. "I'm sorry, senpai.."

Reiji rolled his eyes.

"Save your apologies. And get rid of the pet."


"Eh?! Y/N?!" Ayato shouted as your new cat climbed onto him, purring and nuzzling him. His cheeks turned pink, and you quickly rushed to the room at the noise. "Ayato??" You gasped in a panic, trying to catch your breath. The redhead whined and complained loudly, shoving the soft feline off of him and onto the floor. It meowed in distress, brushing up against your legs till you picked it up. You couldn't help but giggle a bit at the disheveled Ayato.

"S-shut up!!! Or Yours Truly will make you!!"


"Hey, Y/N.....Are you trying to replace me?" Kanato questioned as you sat on the floor, feeding a bird some nuts and crackers.

"Not at all, Kanato." You whispered, wanting to keep the small being as calm as possible. Smiling up at him, Kanato frowned.

"We've barely done anything all day, Y/n."

Knowing that tone of voice, your look turned a bit frightened. "I promise to make up for it tomorrow, okay?-"


Your heart seemed to stop. Or was it beating faster? You were too bus focusing on the approaching Kanato, who stepped on the bird's head, crushing it to death.

"I want you now, Y/N."


Gently brushing your cat's ear, you sighed happily and laid on your back, letting the feline rest upon your chest. He reminded you of Laito in a sense. They both had piercing green eyes and adored laying their head on your chest.

Sighing, you shook the thought from your mind, not wanting to think about the pervert and ruin the peaceful moment.

The cat's ears perked up, as did it's head as he stared at the door. A small noise of a doorknob turning also caught your attention, making you tilt your head back to stare at the upside-down scene before you.

Laito walked into the room, frowning and furrowing his eyebrows a bit. In his hands were three pairs of your underwear and one chewed up bra. "Y/N-kun, if you wanted me to so badly look at your lingerie, you could've just asked..nfu~" His voice turned back to it's naturally perverted state as he looked up at you, noticing the slender kitten laying on your chest. His green eyes blinked a bit.

"Ahh? Y/N-Kun, I don't remember there being a cat here."

You sat up and held the cat in your lap, turning to face him. "It's the first time I've brought him inside." Gaze drifting towards the certain undergarments in his hands, your face turned a bright scarlet. "Laito-!!"

Your sneaky feline friend hopped off your lap and off the bed, stretching out before waltzing over to your drawers and digging around in them before emerging with another pair of panties for the pervert.

"Ahhh, so that's where I've been getting all these presents from~" Laito's mouth curled into a smirk as he bent down, praising the proud kitty for it's trouble.


"A-ah? Y/N-" Subaru looked very panicked as your small bunny hopped towards him, it's tiny nose twitching at the white haired vampire.

"This is my pet, Subaru." You gently bent down and called your rabbit over to you, making it curiously go into your arms. Gently picking it up, you smiled.

"Just keep it away from me-" His words were a bit more rushed than usual, and his face was a light pink. You blinked.

"Subaru, are you afraid of her?" Your voice was low and soft, not wanting to anger or embarrass the young male. Though that didn't do any good.

"Of course not-! Shut the fuck up!" He retaliated, fists clenched. The sudden noise scared the small fluff and made it burrow into your clothes. You squealed loudly in shock and squirmed a bit. Subaru's eyes widened.

"See!! I knew that thing was no good, dammit!!!"

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