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"My lord, we found more worshipers of the False Gods. Two males and one female." A soldier said bowing. Three people followed him in chains, chains around their necks and wrists. Mianite looked down at them with no emotion on his face a top his throne. The soldier pulled them forward by their chains and the three people stumbled forward. He forced them the kneel before the god.

"Tell Mianite of your sins!" The soldier yelled. A man, about 35 looked up to the god without fear.

"We have committed no sins. We are aloud to worship whoever we think are worthy. And if we worship, the people you call 'False gods' we are aloud to." He said, forcing him self to be strong. Mianite frowned. 

"You worship people who claim to be gods. We have told you that they are fake, yet you refuse to believe us. For that you must pay." Mianite said frowning. The man smiled.

"Our god will protect us. Lady Vacuous will protect the things most important to us." He said smiling. Mianite grew a cruel smile on his face. 

"Your false gods cant protect you from me." Then he reached down and touched the mans forehead. The mans face contorted in agony. He screamed a blood curdling scream as blood came spluttering out of his mouth. His skin started to melt off, the bones becoming visible. The woman grabbed the small boy next to the man and held him tight.

"No! Herald!" The woman yelled. She looked at Mianite in fear.

"Please! You just killed my husband please, spare my son!" She pleaded to the merciless god. He narrowed his eyes at her. 

"You should have thought about that before you committed a crime that is punishable by death. But if you repent, and say they are fake, you and your son can go to Inertia for the rest of your lives." He said. The soldier kicked the mother in the gut and she collapsed down to the ground clutching her stomach. The boy tried to protect his mother holding his arms out wide. The guard started to take out his sword when Mianite held up his hand. 

"No don't. If they deserve to die, they deserve to die by my hands." He said smiling. The woman looked up to the sky and started to pray. 

"Please! Lady Vacuous, don't save me save my son!" She yelled pleadingly. Mianite made a sword come out of think air and he stabbed the woman through her chest. Blood went every where. Her son screamed. 

"Please, save him." She whispered. Suddenly dark purple smoke formed around the young boy. He looked around in fear, thinking that Mianite was trying to kill him. 

"I will save your child. You will not die in vain, you have started a revolution with thousands of other followers. And for that I thank you." A woman's voice said. The mother looked at Mianite and grinned. Mianite yelled in anger, getting up and looking around.

"Grab that boy!" Mianite yelled at the soldier. The soldier stood stuck in place, in fear. Then the boy disappeared, yelling for his mother as he disappeared. Mianite screamed in rage looking at his soldier. 

"YOU FAILED ME!" Mianite yelled at his soldier. The soldier stumbled back, falling on his butt. 

"Please forgive me my lord!" He yelled putting his arms up in mercy. 

"You failed me for the last time!" Mianite yelled. The soldier exploded and blood and guts went everywhere. Mianite frowned and looked up to the sky. 

"Your going to pay for this Tucker. Trust me you are going to pay." 

Suddenly an explosion rocked the earth. Mianite looked over and waved a hand. He saw a vision of many people in a giant crater. One looked like a zombie, while another was half a creeper. One looked like a fox, while another wore a sombrero. 

"Im going to win, and I have a plan to do so." Mianite said smiling. He waved and the vision disappeared. 

Hey, if you thought this was dark there is a reason for that. The story isn't as dark as this. Just wanted you all to get a feel for what Mainite does behind closed doors. You will have cute Tomas moments!-Ghostwarrier

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