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Third Person P.O.V:

The sky turned black with the oncoming storm, lighting flashed through the sky as all the people went and huddled inside. Thunder rumbled and shook the very earth. All the people prayed to Mianite to no avail. Suddenly, among the blackness of the storm, Lighting came down and blew up part of Mianite castle. People near by could here the screams of the soldiers, as the lighting burned away their flesh and destroyed their organs. At that moment all the people began to gather at the town square, trying to pray to Mianite to protect them and end this storm. When they began praying together they all started shouting their prayers to the wind, still to no avail. Their voices being taken by the wind. Suddenly there was a large noise, like thousands of storms coming together at once. The people looked to the east and saw a giant tornado, spinning towards them at uncontrollable speeds. They saw as store houses and training centers where swept up by the tornado. The people began to scream, running away in terror. They began running away to the west, away from the tornado. But then all of them saw what was truly happening. At least ten tornadoes surrounded the village, taking out buildings every where in site. One young boy looked down the road and saw a man in his twenties slowly walking towards them. His eyes where a pure red and he wore a blood red armor. The boy screamed in terror and pointed at the man. The people turned and looked, the wind seemed not to touch him. He walked calmly and confidently through the streets, going to his unknown destination. The people began to understand what was happening.

"The Flase gods..." Someone murmured.

"They're real?" A old man asked looking around in question.

"But why are they here?" Asked a middle aged man.

"Why are you all talking like there are more? There is only one, and we don't even know if he is a god." A teenager said with a laugh. When they stopped talking they saw that the man was ten feet away from the crowd of hundreds of people. They suddenly found some courage and began screaming at his to leave. The man just smiled. Suddenly a woman came out of a black portal that swirled into existence next to the man. A beautiful woman stepped out of the portal. She wore a purple dress that flowed in the storming winds, and had purple highlights in her brown hair. 

"No need to be afraid mortals." The woman said kindly, stepping towards the group of people. "My name is Vacuous, i'm a goddess and my friends and I are here to help." She said kindly with smile and a tilt of her head. She motioned towards the man in the armor. "This is Syndicate, he'll be here to help. You see, your god has done terrible things that must be put to justice." She said. People began yelling at her, that she was wrong and that their god cared deeply for them. She just smiled at them sadly. 

"All of you are brainwashed. You need to understand your god is evil." Syndicate said with a sneer. The people stepped back at the sound of his tough voice.     

"NO! You all are the evil ones!" Someone from the crowd yelled. People started to shout in agreement with the person in the crowd. Vacuous tried to step forward, but Syndicate grabbed her by her shoulder and stopped her. He just shook his head. She nodded and clapped her hands and they disappeared in a puff of smoke. Burned into the ground was a message left by Vacuous: 

Stay here and you will be safe.

Tom's  P.O.V:

"Jordan, there was nothing that could be done for that group of people." I said kindly. She just shook her head.

"I thought maybe I could help them realize the truth about Mianite." Jordan said. I nodded, I kinda understood how she felt. Actually not really, I've just learned that nodding helps people. Then we where in front of Mianite's now half destroyed castle. I looked around and saw all the tornadoes destroying everything, good thing we have Sonja on our side. If we didn't have her I don't know if could have pulled the infiltration off. She apparently created a spell that cuts of a gods ability to cut off people from their realm. Kinda cool, you know since she is insane. 

"Mianite! Come out and face us!" I yelled. I stood there for a good two minutes and still nothing happened. I started to get mad. I yelled curses at him left and right, conjuring up the worst words from my vocabulary. Jordan just put a hand on my chest and shook her head and laughed.

"Why don't I take care of this?" She said with a smile. She stepped forward and raised her hand parallel to the ground. She closed her eyes and slammed her hand into the ground. Suddenly the entire castle collapsed, as if a giant hand came down and crushed the castle. I whistled and smiled.

"Dannnnnnnnngggggggg girl, I didn't know you could do that!" I said with a laugh, walking towards the now crushed castle. She was behind me, smiling at my complement. Then I saw a thin man with greasy and stringy hair come out of the ruins. His once shiny armor was ripped to shreds and where covered in dust. He stumbled out like a mad dog and looked at us. His eyes where glassy.

"Mianite?" Jordan asked confused, while stepping forward. He just tilted his head, as if the name used to mean something.

"Mianite, yes that used to be my name." He said quietly, then suddenly he began to laugh with no end. Then suddenly he started screaming and running forward. He was fast, but not that fast. He ran at me and I simply stepped out his way. I took out my ax to kill him when he came back to me, but he kept running. He was running towards Jordan!

"Jordan, get out of the way!" I yelled. He was right on top of her, I started running forward but she simply got out her scythe out of thin air and cut his legs off before he got to her. He began screaming in rage and anguish. I just started at Jordan in amazement.

"Wow, didn't know you could do that ether." I said putting my ax back. She just smiled and stepped over the screaming man. Her dress sliding right over him. I whistled, never have I met or more cool or clever woman in my life. Mianite was trying to crawl over to Jordan, he was bleeding golden blood, which all gods bleed. He was screaming and cursing, spit and blood coming out of his mouth. 

"So who do you think should get the final strike on Mianite?" I asked looking at the man who used to be the most powerful god in the world. Jordan looked back at him and shrugged.

"Probably Sonja." She said simply. 

"Yea, your right." I said getting out my ax and swinging it around. Then I threw it on the ground. An earthquake shook the world, it's kinda my way of telling my friends to come over to where I am. 

"Wanted me, did you?" Sonja asked as she popped out of thin air. I nodded and she smiled.

"Ye, do you want to finish off Mianite?" I asked. She looked down at Mianite who was still trying to crawl towards us. 

"Mmm yes quite!" She said taking out a sword. She walked forward and swung around her sword. She went over and put her foot on his back. Mianite started squirming around and hissing. She brought her sword up and brought it down on Mianite's head, blood and brains going every where. 

"Good Sonja!" She yelled to her self. Suddenly pure white lighting flashed down and hit right next to Mianite's body. Smoke and dust flew everywhere. When all of it cleared Tucker was standing there. 

"Tucker?" I asked coming forward. He looked around in surprise. Then he saw Mianite's body with Sonja's sword sticking through his head. 

"Whoa, Mianite, he is dead?" He asked looking at Mianite. 

"Yea, but Tucker how are you here?!" I asked looking at Tucker. Tucker looked around, as if he was confused about this too.

"I think, I think Mianite left me his realm." Tucker said looking around in awe. Wow, so now Tucker is the ruler of two different realms? Wow that is awesome. 

"TUCKER!" Sonja yelled running up to Tucker and giving him a hug. Tucker looked surprised then gave her a big sweeping hug.

"Sonja! I missed you!" He said giving her a big hug. They both looked at each other and smiled. Suddenly a black mist began to develop around us.

"You foolish little gods, don't you know the rule? To kill one god, another must die." A dark voice said. We all looked around. "One must die for another to die..." Suddenly the black mist began to come together and form a figure. "Remember what you all talk about? Balance...

A nice long chapter for you all, sorry it took so long!-Ghostwarrier

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