Love Triangle

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*Third Person POV*
Mikey Way is in love with Pete Wentz. But Pete was dating Patrick Stump! He just didn't know what to do. The thing is little does he know Pete loves him as well. Patrick knows that too.

They were at Warped Tour 2005. Pete and Mikey were talking then Patrick came over and asked out Pete. And Pete said, "Yes." That left Mikey confused as fuck. Pete didn't even know why he said that either. Then Pete just walked away with Patrick leaving Mikey all alone.

*Mikey's POV*
Now 3 years later and they're still together but things haven't been going well. Whenever he sees Pete he always has some sort of bruise somewhere on his body. He's talked with Pete about it asking if it was Patrick but he always changes the subject. He wasn't sure what to do.

*Pete's POV*
Patrick has been beating me and I don't even know why. I should probably stop changing the subject when Mikey brings it up so he can help me. Because he really does care about me unlike Patrick. I still have no idea why I said,"Yes" to Patrick 3 years ago. I was just about to ask out Mikey as well. I was confused and I could tell Mikey was confused as well.

*Third Person POV*
They were at a festival where both there bands were performing. After the set Pete was able to get away from Patrick to go talk to Mikey.

*Mikey's POV*
Pete came up to me. "Mikey Way will you go out with me?" I was so surprised. "But what about Patrick?" I whispered to him.

*Pete's POV*
I just asked out Mikey Way. Uh-oh. Patrick noticed our weird behavior and started to come over here. I told myself to stop being a pussy and confront him.

*Patrick's POV*
I noticed Pete and Mikey acting weird so I was walking towards them. I was mostly going over there to apologize to Pete for everything. But when I got over there Pete immediately yelled at me, "I'm breaking up with you because I can't take the beatings anymore! I never loved you anyways it was Mikey who I always had feelings for!"

"Oh ok well I'm sorry and if it makes you happy go ahead and go out with him. Your happiness means more to me than anything."

*Pete's POV*
Wow I didn't expect Patrick to be so understanding. "Patrick I'm sorry for yelling at you. And yes you are forgiven."

"Now Mikey will you go out with me?" I asked him while holding his hands.

"Yes Pete I will. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Then I looked over at Patrick. He had a sad yet understanding smile. 'I'm sorry' I mouthed.

'It's okay" he mouthed back.

Patrick then walked away. I kissed Mikey with all my might. We soon pulled away for air though.

*Third Person POV*
Mikey looked at Pete lovingly. Pete had the same look and in that moment everything felt okay.

Some odd years later they're still together, married, have a nice house. They even have a couple of adopted children running around. Their names were Michelle and Peter Wentz-Way.

They grew old together and watched their children growing up. In their last moments they said to each other, "Everything did turn out okay." Then they died in each other's arm while they shared one last kiss.

So I think that turned out really cute. What did you think? Also I think my update schedule for this might be writing and uploading on the weekends because of school. But I might be able to write after school or something after homework and maybe a cheeky update during the week.
And sorry for such a late update. I got bored.

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