A-N-2 Enquiries about moi

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(Nothing to do with the story but I was tagged, new part of story out today)

1.Posting rules is a most
2. Must tag 13 people
3. Must answer 13 questions
4. Answer questions assigned and make up your own
5. Tag backs allowed
6. Must finish in 2 weeks
7. Be creative with title (I know mine isn't very creative)

The questions I have been asked

1. Favourite Youtuber?
Really hard but probably Miniminter

2. Any pets?
One dog called Charlie

3. Favourite food?
Lasagne all the way!

4. Favourite season?

5.  Places you want to visit?
Berlin, Toronto, Rome

6. Siblings?
One older brother and one older sister

7. Favourite subject in school?
English and photography

8. Teleporting or flying as a superpower?
Teleporting as you could go anywhere like a click

9. Favourite thing to drink?
Ginger beer

10. Favourite animal?
Turtles because........ Look at them!

11. Least favourite Youtuber?
Miranda sings (just not my kind of humour)

12. Dan or Phil (danisnotonfire and Amazingphil)
Love them both but probably Dan as he can be a lot more serious but I LOVE them both

13. Ever been to Disneyland (if so how was it?)
Never been but I REALLY wanna go

And there you have it. I was tagged by: puploverxox  to do this tag, thank you btw

I choooooose you:


My questions

1. How tall are you?

2. Favourite member of the Sidemen? (Hard I know)

3. Least favourite food?

4. Ultimate snack?

5. Bucket list?

6. Most used emoji?

7. Places you've been on holiday?

8. Can you speak more than one language, if so what?

9. Maths or physics?

10. Any sports you play?

11. Got to song to listen to?

12. Favourite artist/group?

13. Favourite story on watt pad?

Done! Now go forth and enlighten us!

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