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Destiny POV

When we got to Nicki house I was thinking about what I'm going to tell Trey he's a good guy & I dont want him to get all worried and try to go find Samuel cause he is crazy and dont want Trey or anybody else get hurt we walked in the house and the twins ran up to me hugging my legs

“Hey lil cousins I missed y'all too” I told them Madyson laughed, I picked her up then Jaxon got jealous and did a pout crossing his arms I giggled and picked him up and walked to the couch and sat down

“Hey Destiny what's up” I heard Anthony say behind me I turned my head to see him leaning on the wall

“Oh nothing much cousin what's up with you” I said putting the twins down and giving Madyson my phone so she can play games and Jaxon my tablet so he could do the same because they got too heavy for me to hold them

“Nothing really just working, but I wanna know what happened to you for Nicki to get up early this morning and rush to meet you at the park” he said with his arms crossed

I gulped feeling a nervousness crawling up my spine “Oh it's ummm quite personal I really dont want to talk about it” I told him, he came and sat by me

“Listen we're family now and you know that you can come to me anytime for help or just talk its not good to hold in whatever you are holding in you can talk to me if you want” he said with his hand on my shoulder rubbing it in calmly gentle manner

I slumped down a little “I know but I want to be able to tell Trey today when he get off” I said putting my hands under my chin holding my head up

He nodded “Ok well call him and tell him to come here so we can sit as a family and discuss this issue”

“Already did babe and I also called Corey over by the way and told him he said he will be right over after he leaves the grocery store with my mom” Nicki said walking back into the living room

“Good but in the mean time Destiny just relax be cool its gonna be alright” Anthony said I nod my head he then got up and when upstairs

I looked at my phone to see it was 12 Trey gets off at 2 I have a couple hours to gather all my thoughts and explain my problem to him

Anthony POV

I was in the kitchen standing between Corey and Nicki at the counter he got here around 1 I took a sip of my juice as we were looking at Destiny play with the twins

“Whats happened to her so bad that she so scared to tell Trey” I asked them two

“Oh believe me its tragic and I'm telling you when you hear it you are gonna be devastated by what happened to her” Corey said texting on his phone

“Was it that bad” I asked him

“Babe just know what happened to me is nothing compared to what happened to my cousin because she's been through worse pain then I have been” Nicki said patting my back

“Wow that's crazy, aye Corey are you the only one that has not have anything tragic happen to you” I asked looking at him

“Yes sir maybe its because they say I have anger issues and nobody wants to try me” he said looking at me

“Yeah whatever like you never had nothing tragic happen to you” Nicki said rolling her eyes

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