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We stood there looking at him like what the hell for about 2 minutes until he spoke up again

“Do I have the wrong house & Johnson family?” he asked looking confused

I shook my head no “No no no you don't Joe is my uncle & we didn't know that his last child would show up after all these years” I said then letting him in

“Well everyone this Kyle uncle Joe's son” I said telling everyone

“Hey baby I'm Joe's sister your aunt that's my husband over there, that was your cousin who opened the door & her husband on the couch, then you have your other cousin right there & her fiance,& the last one right there is your other cousin this is the mediate family for now” my mom said introducing him to everyone then hugged him we all did the same & told him our names he hugged with a big smile on his face

“Wow it feels good to meet some of my family I always wanted to know who you guys were or where you lived I knew what y'all looked like cause my dad would send pictures he just didn't have me meet y'all yet but now I'm glad I did” sitting down in a chair my dad got for him from the kitchen

“So Kyle how old are you” Darius asked him

“Im 24” he said we nod our head

“Do you have any place to stay or no” my mom asked

He shook his head no looking sad “Unfortunately I don't some finance things happened & now I'm homeless”

“Well now your not because you can stay here long as you want” my mom said jumping up

“Oh no please you don't have to I stay at a hotel its no biggie I'll be fine I ev-” he was cut off by her

“Im not taking no for answer now Darius you & the guys go help him with his things while the ladies stay here & get his room together & dinner started please & thank you” she said & with that she walked off upstairs to his room

I looked at Kyle to see him standing there with his mouth open like he was stuck we all laughed & did what we had to do my dad just shook his head & went upstairs probably to go get his fishing stuff cause him & his friends going fishing & when he came back down I was right

“Well I'll see y'all later at dinner I'm going fishing & nephew don't worry bout yo aunt she's been like this since I met her 35 years ago” my dad said then walked out

“Yeah come on cuz don't worry bout my mom when she means something then we have no say but let's go get yo things though” my brother said & was out the door with Kyle Trey & Anthony behind him” I closed the door then me & destiny walked upstairs to help my mom finding her almost done

Darius POV

We was on our way to the hotel to get Kyle's things it was nice to have a meet him finally after all these years

“So Kyle since you 24 why not start going out with yo kin folk here” I said trying to make small talk he nod his head

“Sounds cool to me I'm kind of a party guy anyway” he says making us nod

“You know its good to finally meet you Uncle Joe would always talk bout you to the family well until I left for the army but I'm back now though just got into town early this morning I surprised now you this lady is gonna cook until she can't no more” I said & they all chuckled

“Sounds good I haven't had a decent meal in bout two years it would always be fast food restaurant & I'm glad that I get to see my other side...m so like is this everyone cause my dad said I have a lot of kinfolk” he said looking at me

I nod my head “Yeah you have a lot this just the beginning before you meet them all” I told him he nod his head

“Dont forget to tell him that this side had a lot of crazy folk so just be aware” Trey told him we laughed

“Yeah be very aware I saw a side of Nicki that I never wanna see again home girl crazy as hell” Anthony said having us all in the car dying

“Botton line of the story Kyle you have family mostly everywhere & no matter what we here for you well some of us there are family members we don't fuck with but that's ok though we still love them” I told him still laughing a bit I pulled up to the hotel & parked my car we hopped out & went to his room when we got in we helped him pack up his clothes it took us bout a hour to get his things

He returned the key to the front desk we hopped in my car & drove back hone by the time we got there my dads car was in the driveway I parked beside his we all got out & helped him with his things

When I opened the door I smelled some good ass cooking in the atmosphere we walked to the dining area & it was a lot of food on the table

“Oh there y'all are go ahead & put Hus things in the your brothers old room hurry up & wash up so we can say prayer & then eat” my mom said we did just that put his things in my brother Tyler old room next to mines since I will be staying here until I find me a place we washed up & headed downstairs we sat down & my mom began to talk

“Well look at this ain't it nice to have the family together got two surprises in one day whew lord I feel like its my birthday or mothers day” she said making us laugh “I just wanna thank god for bringing my son home safely & for letting us meet a family member we haven't seen before now let us pray..... Lord thank you for blessing my family the ones near & far yet again lord & thank you for keeping us together thank you for the food that is bout to nourish our body in Jesus name we pray amen” my mom said then sat down everyone else said amen & we began to eat talking laughing & even listening & catching up with Kyle I just sat there & smiled at the scenery


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