Maybe she is...?

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Jacobs POV~
No she can't be they pronounced her dead. But maybe she is so I call in the Doctor and the nurses and they checked her and she indeed did have a pulse. They said it was a miracle and things like this doesn't happen everyday. I leaped with joy almost screaming I was so excited.

Emily's POV~
Where am I? I remember running home from Jacobs because of what Maddie did and then everything went black. All of the sudden I see the light. Am I dead or something? Then I see my grandma who had died a few years ago. Maybe I am in heaven!! Oh god. She walks closer to me.

"Hi Emily it's grandma I miss you so much darling and I can't wait for us to meet again someday but today is not the day we are giving you a second shot at life and bringing you back to earth if not things go very wrong so choose wisely." She said

"What do u mean things go very wrong so I should choose wisely?" I question.

"Well you see if you stay here Jacob commits suicide because he wants to be with you. Your sister and even your brother become extremely depressed and cut everyday. Your parents quit their job and don't leave the house and all your friends cut everyday because they feel it's there fault you died. So you see I feel you should go back to earth oh and you one friend Michael turns into a life of crime and eventually gets caught and sent to prison for life. Oh and one more thing the reason you came here in the first place was because Maddie and her "minion" pulled your life support plug. You were gonna make it and never would've come here and watch ur back she wants to kill Jacob so I would ask them to play the security cameras back and find evidence and take that to the cops" She states.

"Oh god grandma thank you so much for that and don't worry I will make sure to have Maddie arrested. And I know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go back to earth I wanted to live anyways. Thank you" I say.

"Your welcome now I'm sending you to a blank black space. Jacob is talking to you right now and something he says warms your heart so you end up going back into the real world and giving his hand a squeeze. So go I'll see you when your time is up. I love you Emily❤️!" She said.

I got back to the place my grandma was telling me about and hear Jacob finishing up a speech he had already started.

"Emily I love you and your beautiful soul and wish we could've grown old together and have little mini us's running around all over the place." Jacobs sobs so I think this is what my grandma was saying about how he would say something that'd warm my heart and bring me back to life.

I feel so weak and frail but I'm glad to be alive again I knew it wasn't my time yet. I slowly open my eyes to doctors checking my heart rate and other stuff like that since they found a pulse and pronounced me dead ha very funny (not the annoys sarcasm in my voice). Also I realized Jacob is still holding my hand not realizing I opened my eyes yet😂. He's so adorable gosh I love him.

"Hey Jacob" I manage to say with my very scratchy voice.

"Omg Emily I was so worried and upset that you died I'm so glad your here I would never be able to live without you." He hugged me and I just hugged back.

The doctors said I have a lot of cuts and bruises and stitches on my head and a fractured wrist but I'm ok to go home by tomorrow. I'm so happy to be honest I've always hated hospitals I don't know why they just give me these weird vibes. Anyways, Jacob and I are watching tv and cuddling together just glad to be in each other's arms and never wanting to let go. I think nows the right time to tell him.

"Jacob" I stutter nervously.

"What's wrong is everything ok? Did I do something wrong? I fix whatever I did that was wrong! Do you want anything? Do you want someone in particular to come see you? Do u want me to...?" He rapidly says.

"Jacob I have to tell you something don't worry I'm fine." I say chuckling a bit at how worried he is that's so sweet.

"Ok well what is it?" He questions.

"You know how they said I just died unexpectedly and no one understood what went wrong because I was supposed to be fine." I say.

"Yeah...." He's really nervous now I can tell.

"Well someone tried to kill me on purpose this was no accident or unexpected thing it was done on purpose." I say as a tear slips down my cheek. I saw the anger build up inside of him and his fists clench so hard to the point where they're white.

"Who was it?" He said gritted through his teeth.

"Maddie my grandma said that when she was watching over me her and Bella her "minion" came and pulled the plug and said they're gonna kill you next." Buy this point I'm sobbing into his shoulder. He was playing with my hair and telling me it was gonna be all ok.

"She also said we should check out the video tapes here before we live and find evidence that she killed me so her and her "minion" can go to jail for good and never see us again." I calmly but kind of tensed up said.

"Ok then that's just what we'll do. Well ask to check them before you're checked out of the hospital tomorrow and then go to the police station and show them the evidence. They deserve to go to jail." He said and kissed the top of my forehead and with that I fell back asleep.

Hey cuties, I hope you liked this chapter and or book I'll be updating tomorrow so night y'all see you guys tomorrow🤗

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