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Jacobs POV~
Everything's white where I am. I'm in some kind of white shirt and white jeans. Am I in heaven? I'm so confused right now. I swear I'm a lost puppy except I'm human. This shadow appears. The one that appeared when Emily got hit by a car. It's my grandma.

"You are not in heaven. Your in the door stage. It's different then where Emily went to. Anyways, what the door stage is, is it gives you a choice. Now listen you have cancer but and only 4 months to live most likely but something may change that. You can either choose the door to heaven or you can choose the door to earth. Choose wisely I love you and I will see you when the time is right. You have 24 hours to choose or God will choose for you. Good luck!" My grandma says. A tear falls slipping onto my cheek realizing how much I really missed mema (grandma). I decide to wait a little longer and see what's happening down on earth. Me and Emily never stopped holding hands. Man I never thought I could love someone this much.

"I just don't know how we're gonna tell everyone his friends, family, and I would assume his girlfriend." A nurse states pointing at Emily. Tell me what!

"I mean telling someone they have cancer and most likely only have 4 months to live is my soft spot. Just think how devastated everyone will be its gonna take a toll on his girlfriend especially." The nurse says sobbing.

I can't believe this I have cancer and most likely only have 4 months left to live. Why can't life be normal for once. Oh yeah that's right because we're not normal and don't always have the best of luck. I swear this is such a hard decision to make. I mean I love Emily so much but I also miss my grandma. A few hours later I've come to a final decision. I'm going to....

Emily's POV~
I'm finally back into my regular body which probably wasn't the best idea because now I have all of these butterflies in my stomach and I can feel my face heating up. Also my heart rate is beating faster and the doctors are worried because they don't know what love is😂. They finally realize that I'm back to my normal self and the nurse explains to the doctor that when people are in love their heart rate increases and blah blah blah. If Jacobs in the same situation I am I'm hoping that his grandma is telling him that it's not his time yet. Because I miss him so much and forgive him for everything. We have to make his last few months special for him. And I think I know the perfect start to it as long as our parents agree. I try and open my eyes but they feel as if they're glued shut. But I don't care it's better than staring at Jacob hoping he'll wake up for endless hours.

Hey guys sorry for the short update but 2 updates is better than one. I feel since I haven't updated twice in a while and I have a good chance at meeting Jacob again that I was in such a good mood to write. So here's another chapter I hope you like it. What's Jacob gonna do? Is he gonna live or is he gonna die? Will Emily find out something she never knew in the next chapter or did she already know? Find out next chapter. Night y'all see y'all cuties tomorrow.

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