Choose then

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I sit in silence and so does he. I doodle on a bit of paper for a while glancing over at Lachlan every so often.

"Your working on this together so I suggest you two sit together." I roll my eyes and pick up my bag and slouch in a chair next to Lachlan, "Now you talk about what your going to do."

I roll my eyes when I sit down and Lachlan pushed over a sheet of paper full of ideas. I scan over them and none of them catch my eye.

"Choose then." He snapped, "I came up with the ideas it's your job to choose them."

"Isn't their anything to do with video games." He looks at me with anger on his face, "Take that as a no. Well can we do the cake thing but game themed. That would be cool."

"Whatever." He growled circling the idea and adding a note saying games next to it, "So what are we going to call it?"

"I dunno." I get my phone out under the desk and texting Rob.

"Vikk get off your phone." Miss Kelly's voice surprising me.

"I was getting my number up for Lachlan." I lie.

"Well hurry up and do it then." I roll my eyes and get it up knowing I had to otherwise I will get my phone confiscated.

Lachlan put it in his phone before tapping his into mine. I wipe it clean before putting it in my pocket.

"Now I'm expecting your both to work on this Vikk." She said and I nodded, "Now go to your next lesson."

Leaving now what lesson hav I got-Vikk
Pe and ur late we are all nearly ready-rob
Kk tell mr wood were I am-Vikk
Alright see u their-rob

I walk to the pe block with Lachlan a few steps behind me. When I enter the changing rooms everyone comes up to me talking about the fight and asking if I'm in any trouble. I brush them off and walk over to Rob who's saved our usual spot in the corner.

"Cheers." I said as mr wood shouted from outside the changing room for everyone to get out, "You told him why I was late?"

"Yeah he said tell you to join us on the football court when your ready."

Everyone left the changing room other than me and Lachlan.

When I got changed and was putting my shoes on Lachlan came over to me shirtless and said, "I'm expecting you to do shit like I don't wanna work with a slacker."

"Do you want me to hit you again?" I growl.

"I was just saying don't slack off."

"I wasn't going too." I reply.

"Good because I will be texting you tonight and expect a reply." I make a mental note to leave my phone at home when I go Rob's tonight, as I do every Tuesday, then I have a reason to ignore him.

I walk out the changing rooms and make my way to the courts to see everyone jogging around it. I join Jerome, Mitch and Rob.

"So how's your project with Preston." Jogging alone beside Rob.

"It's not half bad to be honest. I would rather work with one if you guys but he's alright." Rob then laughed, "Unlike you and Lachlan."

"That's true and you cool for tonight usual time?"

"I got to go visit my nan sorry I know Tuesday's are our thing." He apologised.

"No problem." Me wood blows the whistle and we all jog over to him.

"Okay boys now your all warmed up time to start the class."


The rest of the school day as well as could be expected after a fight. Your a legend in some eyes but in others your nothing but a bully. Do I regret the fight? Not really but I sure as hell wont be doing it again.

I was walking home alone trying to think of what to do when I get home. My parents have probably been told already and it's not as if I can go Rob's to get away. I mean they are great parents but they expect so much from me and all I do is disappoint them.

I have no way to get away. I just need a few hours to let them calm down. I know they won't let me go to see Mitch or Jerome. That's another thing they are disappointed about. They hate Mitch and Jerome. Apparently they are a bad influence on me. The only reason they like Rob is because they have too. My mums best friends with his mum. You can't hate your best friends son.

I will have to face them. Unless...

I scroll down my contacts and find Lachlan. Am I really doing this? If I can go Lachlan's to work on the project, or maybe meet him at the library, then I can let them calm down. They wouldn't stop me doing homework with geeky. They've wanted me to be friends with geeky since I was nine and he moved over to England. They thought I would ditch my other friends for somebody they approve of. They were so wrong.

Hey can I come yours to work on the project ting i would invite u mine but I'm pretty sure my parents are going to explode-Vikk

Now to hope.

I'm hoping to spend time with geeky and listen to his annoying accent the whole time. What's gotten into me?

Sure my older sister was home so she pretended to be my mum so mine don't know-Lachlan

That's cool sorry btw-Vikk

Yeah whatever I'm only talking 2 u for this project so don't think I forgive u-Lachlan

Alright thanks tho my parents are gonna kill me for it-Vikk

Yeah meet me outside Tesco at 4:30 and I will show u were I live-Lachlan

Kk see u their-Vikk

Authors note

Another shitty authors note.

I have no clue what to put.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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