Charater Q&A

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I've added questions in myself as well.


Vikk y u such a tundere?

I'm not sure I just  am I guess.

Why don't you like change?

I've never liked changes, I like things to stay the same because then I know what to expect.

Why do you think you and Lachlan went from being worst enemies to best friends

Well I wouldn't say we are best friends. Rob will always be my best friend but I guess we realised what we were really like. It's fun hanging with Lachlan.


Why don't Mitch and jerome like you?

I'm not sure they've always hated me. Maybe I did something to them as a kid that I don't know about.

Do you like Vikk?

Yeah I like Vikk he's fun but when he goes all bipolar it upsets me. He says he hates change but he changes his mind all the time.

Why do you think you and Vikk went from being worst enemies to best friends?

I'm not really sure. I guess we realised we were judging each other wrongly and Preston is my best friend Vikk is a close second though.


How did you and Preston get on during the project?

We got on really well and had lots of fun. I don't get why I haven't spoke to him before.

When did you realise how Mitch and jerome aren't nice people?

I'm still always going to think of them as my friends but probably at the end of the project when they threatened to spill Vikks secret. You don't do that to friends.


How long have you known Lachlan?

I've know Lachlan since he moved here. It's a while now.

What do you think of Vikk?

Don't know the guy well, Lachlan speaks highly of him but what's with him being all bestie one second then ignoring Lachlan the next. I hated him before though.

What do you think of rob?

Robs a really cool guy. We had so much fun on the project.


Why do you try and intervene in Vikks life?

I'm only trying to help the poor guy can't look after himself, I'm not intervening in guiding him and not letting him make mistakes. That don't make me a bad person I'm only being a good friend.


Why do you try and intervene in Vikks life?

Jerome is not me. I'm only following along. I don't like Lachlan much and think it would be better if Vikk don't but I wouldn't stop it if jerome didn't think it was best. Jerome always knows what's best.

Why are you acting like a douchebag to Vikk? Has something happened in your life to make you this way?

I'm not acting like a douchebag to Vikk he's my friend. I'm only helping because jerome said its best. Everything I do to Vikk is so I don't lose jerome as a friend and I'm not hurting Vikk by helping him so it's all fine.

Lachlan's mum

What do you think of Vikk and Lachlan's "friend" SHIP?

I'm not sure why friend is in quotation marks but Vikk is a lovely boy and his parents are very sweet. I approve of their friendship and think it's very good Lachlan is finally coming out of his bubble.

Lachlan got into a fight with Vikk did you know about this?

What? When did this happen and why didn't the school tell me? I will be having words with Lachlan I wonder why that happened aren't they friends?

Vikks mum

What do you think of Vikk and Lachlan's "friend" SHIP

Lachlan is a very good influence on Vikk and a much better friend to Mitch and jerome. He should really invite him over.

What was you first reaction to Vikks fight?

I was disappointed I can't believe my little boy got into a fight.

Did you know the person Vikk got into a fight with was Lachlan?

What! I didn't know this I'm glad their friends now though but why did he go over his house the same day?

Vikks dad

What do you think of Vikk and Lachlan's "friend" SHIP?

I've heard positive things about Lachlan from my wife so I'm assuming he won't lead Vikk astray.

What was you first reaction to Vikks fight?

I was happy my boy stood up for himself but he shouldn't have done it in the middle of class.

Did you know the person Vikk got into a fight with was Lachlan?

I didn't know that but it's happened. I hope he didn't hurt him too much.


Have you ever had to restart a chapter? Like you don't like it?

Yes I've got completed 10 chapters in my notes page I've never posted because I hated them that's why it takes me so long to write. Also I have little paragraphs that I've planned to use to make a chapter that I redone because I hated them.

I never feel as if my writing is good enough that's why I restart so much.

Which anime is best from sword art online, attack on Titan, death note and Tokyo ghoul?

That's a hard one because they are all amazing but probably Tokyo ghoul. I've also started watching black butler and that's amazing.

Do you prefer anime or manga?

Well they both are amazing but manga. I've started to get the death note manga and all the little changes are really cool, everything is so much more detailed. I read everything in their voices what's quite funny but that's what I get for watching the anime first.

Sub or dub?

I watch both. When I'm sleepy I watch the dub because I'm too tired to read but when I'm awake sub.

Any new books coming up?

Yes I do. I have a few ideas in the works but I had this idea to do a one shot book but each one shot inspired by a song. What do you think of that? It would be published when I have some prewritten and I'm near ending one of my other books. Working on two at once is hard enough working on three would be near impossible for me.

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