Updates and whats been going on

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As you know I've taken a break from writing for a while and I think you will be pleased to find out I'm back. Yay.

Anyways chapter will be out tomorrow as it's saved on my other phone and I won't be getting that till later. As soon as I get wifi on that phone you will get your chapter.

Warning if your easily triggered read at your own risk.

Now to explain everything.

As I said I haven't mentally been able to write a chapter and things are going on in my life right now. That's only the tip of the ice burg.

As you may know I'm suffering with depression and it's gotten really bad. I've contemplated killing myself for years now but recently it's been too much. My family know and so do 2 friends. I go cahms and my mum is telling them about it when I go next. Also theirs something else that I can't bring myself to write to do with this although I'm sure someone will guess it. Everything's been getting too much recently and the stress of the GCSEs on top of this don't help. I have two chemistry ones in June.

Due to the amount of coursework, revision and stress in general I can't always promise a update. I will try my hardest to but my health will have to come first.

Thank you guys for understanding and waiting durning this break and potentially long time between updates.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻

Love story my ass [Vikklan] Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя