Chapter 3 Lunch Date

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Freshman year and sophomore year went by in a flash. Drake and I became very close those first two years we hung out. He asked me to the homecoming freshman year. Then during the dance he asked me to be his girlfriend. We've been together since. We've had a couple spats, but nothing that kept us apart longer than a few days.

Trig, French, and Anatomy all pass in a blur. We're in our English class listening to our teacher drone on about school internet. Something that isn't even English related!

"So I was thinking," Drake says, "We should go to Moreno's for lunch today."

"You know that's awfully expensive." I tell him apologetically, "I can't be spending that kind of money right now." I stare at my desk, "And you know how I feel about you buying things for me."

"It's just lunch Rosie." Drake says, "Please?" He gives me his best sad puppy dog eyes. I almost melt at the adorableness of his face.

"Class, please turn to chapter 71 in your text book and break into pairs." Drake immediately claims me. I'm on academic scholarship as well as the scholarship for my music. Drake and I are both competing for highest GPA. "I expect you to complete the review questions 1-4 and all the multiple choice. One sheet of paper turned in per pair."

Drake and I immediately begin to work finishing fifteen minutes later. We begin to work on the homework assignment together.

"Okay." I finally tell him.

He looks confused for a moment before his face lights up. "You'll go?" He asks to confirm that's what we're talking about. I nod.

"But only if you promise not to go over board on our next date."

"Deal." He says with a huge grin.


"Two tortellini chicken's with pink sauce." Drake says as we eat our mozzarella sticks and sip on the water.

"Thank you." I tell Drake as the waiter leaves with our order.

"It's okay to let me buy things for you." He tells me, "I can definitely afford to. I like doing it."

"I just feel bad, my parents always taught me to be self sufficient. Now things in the budget are even tighter. You know my family isn't exactly wealthy like yours."

"But your parents love for each other is stronger than I've ever seen. I'd trade all my family's money to see my parents to look at each other the way yours do."

"Daddy always said that if he didn't have mamma and I, even all the money in the world wouldn't make him as happy as he is with both of us. Love is an amazing thing."

"Here's your plate sir." A waitress says putting Drake's plate down, she brushes his arm as she pulls back, he shifts away from her uncomfortably. She picks up my plate and I can already tell she's got some trick up her sleeve. She makes it look like she'll put it on the table, but last minute she dumps the contents on my school uniform. "Oops." She says with a smile, "Sorry, must have slipped."

"Are you going to clean it up?" Drake demands, "And I want another plate for my girlfriend."

"Your girlfriend?" She laughs loudly drawing the attention of the restaurant. "She's probably just using you."

"She's not!" Drake insists slamming his hand on to the table standing up.

"I bet she can't even afford the food."

"She's not the one paying."

"Probably couldn't, probably begged you to bring her."

"I was the one begging. Now get your manager!"

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