Chapter 6 Meet KnightSong

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"Boys, meet your new manager, Rosemary McAdams." Mr. Smithfield says. Five extremely attractive boys look up from a computer screen. Each with their own personality shown through their posture and their clothes.

"Like the Rosemary McAdams?" One of the boys asks gawking at me making me a bit nervous, he drops his drumsticks as he just gawks. I pull back a bit nervous wishing I could just call up Drake and talk it all out with him.

"Hale, it's not polite to stare!" One of the other boys says smacking him in the back of the head making him fall forward from the force.

"Michael it's not nice to hit people." Another boy scolds giving him a look. "Lucas." He offers holding out a friendly hand.

"Rosemary." I answer shaking his hand.

"We know. You're all over the tabloids." Another boy says. "Charlie, and this is Kenton." He motions to the boy who was staring at the floor.

"I try not to look at the tabloids these days." I admit, "It's nice to meet you boys."

"You have our resident bad-boy Charles Hunter," Mr. Smithfield says. "The star athlete Michael Grayson. The group thespian Lucas Kent. Hale Nelson the drummer. And last but not least Kenton Drye."

"What were you boys working in when we unceremoniously interrupted?" I ask them.

"We were writing." Charlie says. "Rather trying to."

"They're working on their first album." Mr. Smithfield explains. "I'll leave the six of you to get acquainted."

"You know what it's like right?" Kenton asks me looking up finally meeting my eye. "Being in the public eye all the time."

"I do, it's not as bad as it seems Kenton." I tell him, "You auditioned to be part of the band for a reason, make sure to tether that back to God and the people that support you. If it wasn't for my family, and Drake's taking me in as one of their own, I don't think I would've survived the transition. But being with him is well worth it." I explain, "Singing will be worth it if you're in it for the right reasons."

"They always said you were smart and philosophical." Hale says.

"Do they have a name?" I ask.

"The tabloids."

"That's probably because I'm Regioncrest Academy's Scholarship student, their only scholarship student."

"Scholarships are for just about anything these days."

"You're talking about a preparatory school." Charlie says, "They're not about to give out money to anyone."

"I'm on an arts and academic scholarship." I tell them, "May I see what you're working on?"

"It's nothing spectacular." Hale says spinning the laptop around.

(AN: This song is Anthem Lights Hide Your Love Away)

I don't know your name yet
I've never even seen your face
I'm looking with my eyes wide open
Till I find you in the right time and place

Hide your love away
And wait for me, wait for me
I will do the same
So wait for me, wait for me
There will come a day
When I will finally say
Staring in your eyes
I've waited my whole life
For this night

Every day you're prayed for
And I'm dreaming of you every night
Wherever you are right now
You're already the love of my life

So hide your love away
And wait for me, wait for me
I will do the same
Wait for me, wait for me
There will come a day
When I will finally say
Staring in your eyes
I've waited my whole life
For this night

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