Chapter 2

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POV Frank
My new cellmate hasn't moved since he arrived and it kind of scares me, is he dead? I softly shake his shoulder hoping for a reaction, all of a sudden he jumps up and pins me against the wall. "Hands off." He hisses through his dirty black hair strands. Panic [!] rushes through my body and I look at him with widened eyes. "Takes it easy, I was only checking if you were alive." He looks confused for a second but pulls is threatening face back up almost immediately "Just leave me alone." He let's go of me and stumbles back a bit, he frowns and looks down at his dirty, sandy feet. "Where's Mikey.. What happened." He falls down on his knees and pushes his hands harsh against his forehead, then he turns his attention back to me "Where am I?" I'm a little shocked by his sudden mood change, I open my mouth but I don't know what to say. Where are we? In some kind of prison that's obvious, but I assume that he already figured that out. "Well, to be honest with you I haven't completely figured out where we are yet." I rub my forehead and sit down onto the bed in the left corner of the small room. I try to keep as much eye contact with the other as possible, I still don't really trust this guy, he breaths heavily like he just finished a marathon. "Ehm.. are you okay?" I raise my brows a bit, I except a snappy comment, he doesn't really look like a 'chit chat' kinda guy to me but to my surprise he answers "I'm okay." he nods and keeps repeating his answer. "I'm okay, I'm okay now, I mean this I'm okay." But the more he says it the less I believe him. It's like someone who gets beaten up, at first you think he might win but the longer he keeps fighting the more his true, weaker self starts to show. I know this guy for maybe an hour now, hell I don't even know him at all. But he looks to me like someone who's ready to give up. "Are you sure?" my voice is soft, almost caring, he suddenly looks up to me, his eyes empty and without emotion "Well, if you want to know it so badly, I'm not okay, I'm not o-fucking-kay." I bite my lip and look at the wall behind him, not able to look him in the eyes anymore. I knew it, his 'new' answer doesn't surprise me, I mean it was obvious that he was not okay every idiot could've seen that. What does surprise me is his sudden lack of emotion, I expected more like a breakdown not a... I don't even know how to fucking call this, but whatever it is, I'm not in a mood to deal with it. I lay down onto the bed and close my eyes, hoping to catch some sleep. I'm almost asleep when the guy behind me starts talking "I'm Gerard by the way." He sounds normal again, not friendly, but more human than before. I sit back up and slightly turn my face towards him "I'm Frank." I don't know if I should say more, was this an opening to a conversation or just a necessary piece of information? I see Gerard nod, it looks like he's thinking about it for a second, about the situation he got himself into and maybe about me. "So.. this Mikey you mentioned about earlier, who is he?" I know turn back to him entirely and wait for him to answer. He bites his lip and looks at his hands "Mikey is my brother, I was with him when they arrested me and I have no idea where he is right now." I look at him, I'm not sure how to react to this, I don't want to go with the obvious 'It will all be alright' because I know that there's a chance that their story won't have a happy end and I feel like he knows that himself as well, so I decide to keep silent. We awkwardly sit across each other for a couple minutes, I don't want to turn my back to him again, that would feel wrong, but without saying another word he gets up from the floor and lays down on the other bed. I nod to myself, alright then. I turn back to the wall and lay down again. If this Gerard guy is going to stay in this cell with me for a longer period he will have to get a little nicer, I was here first and I'm not going to let him push me in a little corner like he is the king in here, because if there is a king here it's me.
I wake up because of a loud bang. I immediately sit up and open my eyes, I know the drill by now. If you don't wake up yourself they'll wake you up, in a rather violent way. I look at the bed across form me and see that Gerard is still very asleep. "Gerard wake up!" I hiss, he turns around but still has his eyes closed. I get up a little to poke him, desperately trying to wake him, I might not like him that much but I don't want him to get hurt, there's no need for that. "Gerard!" I stopped hissing and am now talking loudly, the guards could open this door any second and I'm seriously terrified. "Gerard wake.." the moment I speak out those words the door slams open and an angry looking guard stands on the doorstep, he looks at Gerard and without saying a word he grabs his arm and pulls him out of bed. Gerard finally wakes up, but before he can react to the situation the guard pulls him out of the cell. Everyone has been there, first days are hell here, no one explains the 'rules' and you're just supposed to know what to do. I know what they're going to do to him and it is sickening to even thing about. A second guard walks in now and gives me a plate with two slices of old bread on it and lays one on Gerard's bed as well, you are supposed to get one but I kind of made friends with this guard and now I usually get an extra slice "Thanks Ray." The man nods to me with a friendly smile on his face and then turns away to continue his round.

POV Gerard
I'm still on the floor when the guard drags me into a new room. It's tiled with white bathroom tiles and it has one floor drain in the corner. He let's go of my arm in the middle of the room. I get up and try not to look at the guard, I'm shivering of the cold and a little bit of fear. I'm not sure what he's going to do to me but I'm sure he didn't drag me here to have a little chat. The guard hasn't said a word to me yet and out of the blue kicks the back of my knees, I fall forwards and clench my jaws together, I see his feet besides me now and have a split second to 'prepare' my body for the next kick in my side, I gasp desperately trying to get some breath but before I managed to breath normal again he kick a few more times in the exact same spot. I'm not sure why he is doing this to me, is this a novitiate thing the guards do to have a little 'fun'? Damn I should've listened to Frank.. I try to think about other things than what is happening to me right now because the pain I'm going through is indescribable and after what feels like hours he finally seems done, my sight is blurry and I think I have a black eye and these are the least of my problems, I wouldn't be surprised if I contused some ribs. The guard leaves the room without me, but almost as soon as he leaves another comes in, it's a guy with half long, curly, dark brown hair and a pretty friendly face, he looks down at me and shakes his head a little "I just don't understand this guy.." He kneels down next to me and pulls me up a little "Can you stand?" I nod "I guess so." A little blood drips out of my mouth as I talk and it makes me feel just a little more miserable than before. The friendly guard stands up slowly and so do I, my arm around his shoulders to get a little support, together we walk back to my cell and he brings me all the way to my bed. I thank him and as he leaves our cell I look at Frank who's staring at me "Are you okay?" I raise my shoulder "Depends, what would you call good? I feel like I'm one big bruise." He looks like a little kid who just saw how his dog got hit by a car, I sigh and roll my eyes "I'll survive, it's not like it was the first time I got beaten up." His facial expression doesn't change so I decide to turn my back on him, I slowly lie down on my bed and exhale slowly. Everything hurts, I even feel pain in places I didn't know existed. I close my eyes and think of Mikey, I just hope he's okay.

POV. Mikey
After my brother got arrested everything felt like a weird acid trip, I betrayed my brother. I called the authorities and the only thing I had to do was get him to the bath room, I knew he wouldn't run knowing I was in 'danger'. It was the perfect plan and now I got an actual job. I love my brother, I really do, but he held me back and sometimes you have to choose for yourself and that's exactly what I did. It's Mikey time now. My job requires sitting behind a desk in the giant prison building, I do some administrative work, but they promised me that it would be really easy to get higher up if I just did my best. So that's what I'm going to do.
Today is my first official day of work and I get called up to the director's office immediately. I knock on the door "Come in." I walk into one of the most fancy rooms I've ever seen, everything looks expensive as fuck and it has one giant golden statue in the middle. I walk forwards and see a large desk to my left, behind it sits a man with dyed blond hair and I put on a smile and walk towards him "Mikey right? Sit down." I put on a little friendly smile and sit down across from the man. "My name is Pete, Wentz, Pete Wentz." He gets up a little and reaches out to me to shake my hand. We talk about business a bit, he tells about the company and how he build it all up himself with help from a few friends of his. I listen politely and nod when needed. After about fifteen minutes he gets a call and tells me to leave, and that's when my first day starts.

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