Down the ally

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(Phil's P.o.V.)

I just had bought some groceries and was walking home it had started to rain. So I took a short cut down a ally. The flat was at the end of it. I was walking through the dark ally when I saw a girl lying motionless in the middle of the ally.  I panicked "Is she dead?" I whisper to myself. I walk slowly up to her and see what seems to be a fresh puddle of blood near her side. I pull my phone out of my jacket pocket and call for an ambulance. Then I call my best friend Dan. 

(Dan's P.o.V.)

"Can you please get murdered on a different street? I'm trying to film." I say dramatically to the camera that sat across from me. My Phone started to buzz in my pocket. It was Phil. Why was he calling me? He should almost be home. I Pick it up anyway. "Hey Phil, whats up?" I could hear the wails of the ambulance still. They sounded like they where right next to Phil "Hey um..... you know the ally by our house right? could you come out here?" I could hear the worry and fear in his voice. "Yea okay. Just a minute." I hung up and walked out side and turned into the ally and saw Firetrucks Police cruisers and a ambulance. In the middle of it all was Phil "Phil! Why did you want me to......." I stop dead when I see the girl.  "They said that she is still alive." Phil said quietly as they put the girl on to a stretcher.

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