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"Mom can I have a some pets please?!" I asked pulling on moms arm, I've been asking her for month, no way she'll turn me down. "Daisuke no for the last time we can't have pets" rejected again all I want is like a puppy or a kitten something that can grow with me and she knows I love animals so I'll take care of them on my own if I have to. "Now it's time to go to bed Daisuke you have school in the morning" I groan at the thought of going to school, "Now Daisuke!" Mom didn't yell this time but you could tell she meant it. I marched to my room, "I don't understand why can't I have a pet or pets?" I asked myself, as I walked into my room.

Before going to bed, I do my normal routine, shower, brush teeth, put on pajamas, after doing that I crawl into bed. "I wish that I could get some pets, maybe one day that'll come true" I pull the blanket over my chest and fall asleep.

I'm awoken by mom nudging me, "Daisuke wake up, wake up Daisuke it's almost time for school" I rub my eyes in response to her and nod, I open my eyes as she's walking out. I take a few moments to wake up completely, "Today feels like it's going to go well" I said cheerfully to myself for a reason I don't know. I get out of bed do the usual morning before school routine, shower, brush teeth and make sure hair isn't a mess, and slip on my uniform. "I don't know why they make us wear these we're in the 6th grade not applying for a job" I say as I'm adjusting my tie, after that hassle I walk down stairs.

"Good morning Daisuke" mom says in her cheery mood, I don't know how mom does it, keep that happy expression it's been five years since dad died when I was seven. "Good morning mom" I say back to her smiling, "Would you like anything to eat or drink?" She asked, I think about it, "Um, no thanks mom I'm not hungry right not but I think I'm going to head out for school now bye. "Bye Daisuke have fun" she waved as I waved back walking out of the door.

I start walking with a group of students that go to my school, most likely a year ahead of me. After couple minutes of walking in silence I get slapped in the back, "Hi Daisuke how are you?" I turn around to see who was talking to me and I find out it was Isao my close friend and neighbor, "Hi Isao I'm good what about you?" I ask smiling, "Oh I'm doing fine dad got drunk in the morning again so that was fun" his dad is always drunk and he gets abusive when he is. "Oh he did" not surprising at all, "Well did he hit you Isao?" I'm guessing he did, him and his mom was always his dads target of abuse, "No, not this time he didn't" Isao said while holding his arm, Isao lied of course he was hit. "Why don't you and your mom tell the police about the abuse?" I always wanted to know why they never do, it doesn't matter how serious it is they never do, "Well because he's nice when he's not drunk, and we don't want him going to jail just because of a bad habit." After that it got silent, mainly because I didn't want to overstep my boundaries on this subject.

After minutes of walking in silence we finally get to school, "Ugh I have a feeling that today is going to go slow" Isao complained, while I thought it'd be a good day. After getting to the hall way where our classes are located, "Well Daisuke see you after school" Isao waved, we are in different classes I'm in 7-B where as Isao is in 7-C, sad all the years we were in the same class, "Bye Isao, yeah see you after school as well"

"Hello Daisuke" Ms.Nakamura said cheerfully, "Hi sensei" I responded back walking to my seat in the third row in the middle. Ms.Nakamura is a new teacher just graduated college she replaced Mr.Oshiro at the beginning of the school year, which I'm glad because I think Mr.Oshiro had it in for me I don't know why but he always gave me that look that had some resentment to it. "I guess I got here early Ms.Nakamura" I laugh as I said this because I'm usually the last person to arrive in class but this time I'm the first, "Haha guess so Daisuke" she laughed moving papers around on her desk.

After couple minutes every one filled in their seats. "Ok is everyone present?" We all look around and in unison, "Yes Ms.Nakamura." With that Ms.Nakamura started teaching her subject, math she isn't bad at it, actually she's a really good teacher always making sure she has every kids attention and makes the lessons fun.

After Ms.Nakamura's class, which is my favorite I might add, I had classic Japanese Literature for 40 minutes, which is torture because its my worst subject. After Japanese Literature I had English it isn't bad it's interesting. Then there was Science not as bad as Japanese Literature but it was up there, it's not like I hate science it's just boring how the teachers teaches it, droning on one thing for the whole class period. Finally, the last class Home Economics, it's not bad at least it teaches you learn how to cook and take care of your self.

After the bell that signals the end of the day, I head to the school gate to wait for Isao we said we'd meet each other after school. "Where is he? He said he'd meet me here after school" I look around, he never missed a meet up. After couple minutes of waiting I gave up and started walking.

I decided to take my normal route back rather than cutting through alleys to make it in time for my after school shows. "I wonder what made Isao late" I asked myself he's never sick only times he's hurt is when his father beats him in a drunken rage like usual. After couple minutes of walking I notice a average sized cardboard box with a plain white sign on. Curious about what was with it, because I didn't notice it on the way to school I walk over to it. "Free fox pups and kitten to who ever will give them a nice home" the sign read, I look into the box to see what these "fox pups and kitten" well the sign was correct, in the box was a two foxes and one kitten, one blonde haired fox, the other red, the kitten had white fur.

It's a worth a shot, "Come on guys or Girls let me take you home or at least try take you to my home" when I pick up the box the blonde and red fox peek out the box up at me while the kitten is rolled on its side watching me. Hopefully mom let's me take you in cant just let you guys stay out in the cold in only a box. I smile talking to them about pretty much everything about me and it seemed they were listening to every single word.

When I get home, "Mom where are you I need to ask you something" I wait for a answer, after couple minutes I hear a cough, "In the kitchen Daisuke." Mom! I run to her not knowing the others followed me. I see mom slumped over the kitchen sink coughing up blood and tears start to form in my eyes. She turns her head to look at me with a weak smile, I can tell she's in pain but she's still only worrying about me. "It's ok Daisuke..." before she could finish she loses her support and she falls on the ground.

"Mom..." I nudge her, no response, I nudge her again tears start to fall, "Mom please be ok" this time the three of them are at my side looking at mom. I grab the phone and dial 911 and wait for it to pick up, "911 state your emergency" the female voice said with a monotone voice, how could she be so indifferent to this situation? "My mom just collapsed in the kitchen I don't know what happened, I just got home please send help!" I said with tears rolling down my cheek, "Ok we'll dispatch an ambulance to your location, please stay calm." Please stay calm, how can I stay calm?! When I just witnessed my mom collapse after spitting up blood. "Ok please hurry" I hang up the phone and lean mom up so I could hold her while help is on it's way. The three of them look at me with what seemed sad expression and rub their heads against my legs, and with that moment I decided to keep them,and three names popped in my head. I rub the blonde foxes head and she looks up at me, "Your name shall be Haru" she nuzzles me in response, then I rub the red foxes head, "Your is Aki" she does the same as Haru, and finally the white kittens, "and yours is Fuyu" she jumps on my lap in responses and lets out a small meow.

After minutes of just sitting there with mom and the girls the ambulance arrives. The EMTs burst into my house and they run into the kitchen ordering each other. I'm pushed off my mom and the girls are pushed next to me, "Please don't get in the way" one of them said. With in minutes they have mom out of the house and off to the minutes.

A few days after I receive a call from the local hospital where mom is being held, "We're sorry to tell you this but your mother has passed away, she had a severe untreated case of lung cancer that seemingly went unnoticed until it was too late" the doctor tells me. Lung cancer, mom was suffering from lung cancer all this time.....

My pets are girls?!?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora