Ch.2 How to teach your pet to talk

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"Come on girls lets try to walk to the living room so you can sit down" so with that we slowly walk so that don't over do it and fall since they literally just learnt how to stand and walk. I look back to see they're stumbling around but walking surely.

When we get to the living room with no accidents luckily I sit on the couch and look at the three girls who are just standing there watching me, "Uh are you guys going to sit down like how you three used to?" With that Fuyu walks over to the couch and sits on my left, Haru on my right both leaning on my arms and Aki on my lap facing me. If I was any other guy I'd love this picture three naked girls by my side, but I know these girls on a personal level so it's kinda weird but I'm not complaining.

Ok might as well teach them to say their names first. I'll teach Aki first since she's the one who seems to pick up on things first and Fuyu and Haru follow her lead easily. "Ok Aki can you listen carefully for couple minutes I want to teach you to talk" she perks up and her fox ears twitch cutely and she nods. "Try to say ah Aki" after couple moments of silence she starts sounding it out, "A-A-Ah, ah" she did it! "Good job Aki" I pat her head in accomplishment and she smiles and purrs. "Now can you say ki" I ask in confidence she can do it she puts her index finger up to her chin, "K-Ki, ki" she did it, she said her name well some what, "There you go Aki" I scratch her ears and she lets out a soft mew. "Now can you put those together and say Aki?" I look at her as she takes her time, after couple seconds, "Aki" she says softly looking up at me cutely. "Very good Aki! You said your name" I hug her and Fuyu and Haru hug her as well trying to say Aki.

I guess next in line would be Fuyu, "Aki could you please switch Fuyu places?" I ask her and she responded with ,"Aki" I guess it's a start and she got of my lap and waited for Fuyu to hop on. Fuyu looked up at with a expression like she's ready to surpass Aki which is good at least she wants to learn how to talk. "Alright Fuyu are you ready to say your name?" She nods excitedly and lets out a Nya in excitement. "Ok first part you need to say is fu, try saying fu Fuyu" she nods and immediately starts to try to sound it out, "F-F-Fu, fu, fu" she says excitedly, "That's correct Fuyu good job!" I pet her head in congratulations and she purrs loudly. "Ok you got the fu part of your name now is the yu part of it, try to say yu now" I say to her and looks like she's concentrating for once, "Y-Yu, yu, yu" she says proudly. "That's very good Fuyu" she mews and nuzzles my neck happily, "Hey, come on Fuyu lets get this done then celebrate" she stops then nods in understand. "Ok now put the fu and yu together and say Fuyu" I say smiling as she tries to put the sounds together, "F-Fuyu, Fuyu" she says happily, "Fuyu" she repeats. "That's a very good job Fuyu, you did great!" I pet her hair and she leans her head down and smiles cutely.

Well last but not least Haru who's looking at me smiling cutely, "Ok Fuyu switch Haru places" Haru perks up and cutely crawls onto my lap. "Ok Haru your the last up make you big sisters proud" she looks at Aki then at Fuyu they give her a you can do it smile, then back at me and smiles at me. "Alright Haru try to say ha, like your laughing but your not" with this she looks like she's figuring it out, "H-Ha, ha" she says in a soft voice. "Good job Haru you learn so fast" I scratch behind her ears and she smiles and slightly blushes. "Ok Haru now for the ru part of Haru" with that she started saying it, "R-R-Ru, ru" she sounds with her soft voice, and a smile. "Very good Haru for the youngest you learned quickly" I scratch her chin and she purrs as soft as her voice.

I look at the clock and it read 10:30pm ,it's this late guess we lost track of time. "Ok girls time for bed" they look disappointed but then they smile and nod and Haru climbs off my lap to allow me to stand. When I stand my legs feel like they're asleep, guess when three average size teenage girls sit on your lap for a lengthy time that'll happen. "Come on girls lets go" with that we start walking to our room, every so often I'd look back to see if they're doing alright walking. When we get inside our room I strip to just my underwear and they watch as they usually did like nothing was different. When I get in bed, Aki gets in and crawls to my left side and snuggles close to me, Fuyu on my right side, and before I knew it Haru was laying on top of me, how she would as a fox. So I got three naked girls in my bed, two by my side and one on top, this isn't bad but it isn't good either. "Goodnight girls" I say before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

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