Chapter 33 - The Cavern

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Layla POV

I think I was ok. The past few days have been challenging me. Mentally and physically. Starting with a dream about Daryl killing me because I was a walker, by being convinced by my best friend. My family, my demonic, black-eyed family, screaming in fear at the sight of me. Rushing for cover away from the pure horror that was me. Their own sister. Their own daughter. Their own nice, cousin. Everyone. Just thinking about that dream gave me ice cold shivers all over.

Then got pushed into a river and laughed at before being attacked by a herd of killers, for a few minutes, preparing for my final moments and death. Waste of time. I'm alive. Jumping off an edge and being hit by sharp rocks into more water. Almost passing out. Running to a cabin surrounded by walkers. Then the next morning him suddenly leaving with no trace of where he went. Attempting to track for him and failing, instead being humiliated by a deer.

Having my belongings almost stole. Being intimidated and beat up, almost murdered. Then watching the man who just tried to kill me be killed in front of me by Daryl. Then passing out in the middle of the forest, almost being shot, almost being torn apart by the roamers, falling and waking up in a dark, cold cavern. Have Daryl be pissed at me and shout at me then only to be affectionate and caring by cleaning up my wounds and saying I he was worried that I might have died? Strange man. He did confuse me. He was the most confusing man I had ever met but I loved him.

I yawned and felt pretty tired. I'd just been unconscious, though I might get my energy back. I guess not. Daryl noticed.

"Hey. Go to sleep, I'll keep a look out for ya." He insisted rummaging in the bag for the blanket. He lay it out on the floor.

"Nah, I'd rather stay up." I smiled and pulled the blanket over me and then the edge of it on him... You know... In case he was cold or summit. He smiled and pulled it over to him a bit more so it was half and half over us. It was thin but better than nothing.

"You need your rest, I'm good." He reassured me once more. It was tempting. I wanted to sleep. I waited a second then nodded only to realise I had nowhere to lie. That was then I saw his particularly comfy looking shoulder, at the same height as my head. Some strange urge then took over me as I gently placed my head on his shoulder.

I expected him to jolt away but surprisingly, he didn't. He didn't do anything. I watched him closely. He was just staring into the darkness. I took the opportunity and fully rested my head onto his shoulder closing my weary eyes when suddenly, he jerked his shoulder. Dammit.

"Sorry," He blinked himself back to reality rubbing his head awkwardly. I didn't say anything I was too embarrassed. He waited for a response but none came from me. "Go on, if you're gonna sleep then sleep." He nudged his shoulder slightly gesturing that it was ok but I hesitated.

"Layla," He spoke softly. I looked up at him, losing myself in his eyes. Escaping the real world for a second in them. He then gently kissed me.

"Night," He whispered pulling away and looking back into the darkness. I did the only thing I could think of doing and leant my head back onto his shoulder. He didn't move away this time though. At least asleep I didn't have to deal with how over whelmed and exhausted I felt. So once again I closed my eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep next to him.

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