Sudden Destruction

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I am so pleased to know you guys loved Sudden Changes so much that a sequel was decided! It really means a lot for me to have you guys support it for so long. If I could thank you guys in person and give you food or something, cuz I'm that kind of person, I would, but for now you get this story. I don't do hugs, so that's why hugs were not in the description of gratitude.

Anyone else feel me on this no hugging thing? 

No, doesn't matter. 

The story is being continued most likely a few weeks, maybe months after the epilogue, but it depends what is happening with them at the moment. Lots of things are happening and I am truly dying to get up on this story. 

The description so far is this...

First, there was the sudden redhead.

Then the sudden burst of emotions.

Following with the sudden introductions.

Soon after the sudden trouble.

Following with sudden jealousy.

And ending with sudden turmoil.

There had been sudden changes,

but will become sudden destruction.

Clary is now stuck in a position where she has no anchor to the truth and no shield from the lies. It was a free for all for the Shadowhunters of the New York Institute. They have to find a way to save Clary while also removing the Shadow world and the mundane world from her evil brother, Sebastian, before it was too late.

They will come across new characters and some old ones. Conflict between the two boys head over heels for Clary set amends for her sake, saving everyone else from World War Horomones. The struggle will be felt like never before and loyalties will be tested. 

It sounds good so far. All I need now is for you guys to read it and vote for it. I can't wait for you guys to love this just as much as you have to Sudden Changes. 

Later, ppl



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