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  » Chapter One-Bedroom Visits «

One month later...

Clary's P.O.V 

"Who is it?", I called out, scrunching my bed sheets. My mind was a bit wobbly after sleeping for so little but having nightmares doesn't really give you a choice in whether you sleep or not. The sun was bright, shinning through my bedroom window. It was a nicely designed window that was almost as tall as the room, and it brought me comfort sometimes.

Ever since that awful night I envisioned so many things, it has never left me alone. I was lucky that someone had shaken me, but was a bit afraid at the same time because it had been that golden boy that had touched me before I ran. Nothing was working for me and that was why I kept to myself, in the room, coming out when necessary. At some point, I needed to move around and look at New York and I believe that time has come. 

"Um, it's Izz...abelle.", I heard through the door, her words sounding uncertain. 

"Come in.", I tell her, removing the sheets off myself. 

Isabelle walks into my room with breakfast and some clothes. She smiles at me and I manage to smile at her. She sets the food on my bedside table and puts the clothes on my bed. 

"How'd you sleep?", she asks, reaching to hold my hand.

After the month that I have spent here, besides David, I have grown close to Isabelle. She seemed loyal and trustworthy to me. Since then, she's the only one I open to. Especially about my nightmares. 

"You already know the answer to that. It doesn't matter though. It's the same thing, anyways.", I say.

"Hey, don't worry. You're safe in the Institute. You have us.", she said to me, whispering the last part.

My eyes glossed over and I looked at her. She looked at me with truth and a sort of seriousness that reassured me none the less. It worried me how these people in the New York Institute treated me like we're family, yet I recall no memories of them. Nothing has been making sense to me and it seems like I somehow have to fix this. Especially finding my brother. He is the cause of all my pain and there is always gonna be hurt if he's alive. 

"Hello...Anybody in there?", Isabelle calls out to me, making me jump back into reality.

I let out a light chuckle, "Sorry, Isabelle, I was just lost in my mind, I guess. "

"Clary, please. Call me Izzy.", Izzy tells me, smiling. 

"Okay, Izzy.", I respond.

Then we both burst into laughter as we lay on my bed. It was light and very soothing, hearing Izzy and myself laugh, feeling so loose with each other. I knew this was a sign that I had to go back out there, go demon hunting again, train, and look for Sebastian. This was it. I'm leaving this room and becoming my old self again.

"Alright. Up you go, Izzy. I'm gonna freshen up then meet you down in the library.", I tell her.

"Alright. I'll see you there.", Izzy says and gives me a tight squeeze before heading through the door.

I was barely able to let out a sigh before I heard another knock on my door. Quietly, I stood up and went to open my door.

"Oh, hey Jace.", I greeted, strangely, becoming awkward. I had imagined David was at the door, but apparently, it wasn't. 

He lifted his head and looked straight at me, not hesitating one moment. His eyes, a vibrant gold, were locked on mine and he smiled at me, showing me that he had a chipped incisor. 

"Hi, Clary. Sorry to come so sudden, Izzy told me you were going to clean up and didn't want to bother.", he tells me.

"It's fine. Hadn't even reached the shower yet.", I told him, smiling. 

"I could lead you into the bathroom, if you like.", he smirked, his eyes gleaming with mischief. So many of his features were noticeable to me and wasn't sure how it was possible. Most likely it had to be the angel blood inside me. There was no doubt. 

"Are you ever a gentlemen, Jace?", I ask, raising a brow. Well, tried to raise my eyebrow.

I knew my attempt failed  because Jace let out a small chuckle. "Nice try, Clare, but that will never happen. Always gotta be the best I can. Whether I'm a gentlemen or not.", he says.

I roll my eyes at him, "I should have known. Alright, so what was it you wanted to know?"

He eyed me, confused, "What?"

I lean towards him, shaking my shoulder, "You said you wanted to see me before I cleaned up."

"Right! I, uh, just wanted to know if you'd like to join us for training today later. An instructor will be coming  in.", he told me. I had also heard something after it, "Yeah, sure, lets go with that."

I decided not to question it, but nodded at him, "Sounds like fun. I'd love to. I can't wait to get back to training. The years at the Academy were plenty but I should work out some rough edges."

"Rough edges?!", I hear a held back snort, Alec, "Please, if you only knew the day you had done so well you went all ninja on-Ah!"

As quick as I had seen Alec, Jace was on him, putting his Parabatai  in a sort of choke hold and covering his mouth, startling both Alec and I. Alec continued trying to fight off Jace but JAce would not give up and right before I was going to say something Jace beat me to it.

"Alec, shut up! Excuse him, he doesn't know what he's talking about. So, I'll see you later, Clare. I forgot Alec and I had some things to discuss.", Jace says, sounding very unsure of himself. 

Then they went away, Jace dragging Alec behind him, still not letting go. Most likely he's not gonna let go any time soon. When they were completely gone, I couldn't hold back my laughter and closed my door. The bathroom was finally clear for me to use and realized Jace had not called me Clary, but Clare instead. It didn't bother me for some reason. It sounded nice the way he said it, but a guy like him could n't be anything but cocky. 

I didn't want to think much and just decided to shower. The water calmed me down and I was enjoying life once more. 


So it begins! Alright, this chapter was a bit longer than the past chapter but that's because it's the first chapter and I was too excited to stop writing. It will truly be a great sequel and my updating schedule will be that I will upload another chapter every Friday. This is early because I was free. There will be another update this Friday as well. I know that the chapter seems a bit strange and the writing is a bit off, but it will not always be like that. 

I'm so glad you guys are willing to read and I hope you don't mind checking out my other story, The Jock's Tutor. It would mean a lot. Comment, vote, share! 




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