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  » Prologue  «

My mind passing images after images within Clary's head, making her eyes move without actually moving. The pictures in her head becoming moments she couldn't deny were real nor fake. It was too much. My body clenched. A heat radiating throughout her, choking her through the air. Everything was happening moving in front of her all the time while no where at all. 

Suddenly, she could see nothing. The darkness scaring me, being so empty and endless. Her legs were suddenly felt and stepping onto the floor that could not be seen within the dark. It was on its own accord that her body moved forward, becoming tighter by the minute with the sense of dread not far behind, crawling up her spine. 

Eventually the darkness fades and she was sent forward into a blinding light. She reach up with, what she would assume were, her arms because she could see nothing but what was in front of her, as if she were a pair of floating eyes. It was all white until the floor fell under her and became scared, but eventually held on to the gravity, finally beginning to see color. 

They were arrays of colors and designs. Images. They were images. They moved one by one in front of her. It started with images she never believed she would have to relive. It was the Los Angeles Institute and it was images of her life there. The moment she was welcomed in, the moment she completed her final Clave test, the moment David first kissed her, and all the other moments she cherished, before it finally stopped when it shows the shadow of her brother. 

The scene dissolved when her body was hurled forward into the dazzling purple colored portal. After that, the scenes that unfolded were terrifying and mysterious. They showed faces, many of the faces she has just met, and so many moments that she could not believe to be real. All the things she had known were just lies and she was lost somewhere within her mind. Images kept reoccurring, including the face of the golden eyed boy that had touched her ever so intimately. 

She tried shutting it out, shutting out the light threatening to show more of the horrid illusions she continued to see. Every time she was close to removing the thoughts, they came back with a stronger force that should not be reckoned. It was terrifying her, making her want to rip and tear into little pieces, to find where it truly bothered her deep inside her. It was terrible. 

She couldn't run. She couldn't hide. She couldn't do anything. It was all so troubling. Her body was growing numb and dissolving like the strength she had believed to have. Everything moved in front of her at lightning speed and she felt a pull behind her, like a single thread keeping her tethered to where ever she came from, gently tugging. It was becoming a stronger and stronger force by the minute and right before she fell back, with the strongest pull to the world she hopes was reality, she saw his eyes. His dark, endless, charcoal eyes, becoming an ocean of danger and mischief. She saw Sebastian's eyes, gleaming with a rage and mystery so dark that she let out a scream before fading away once more. 

Only this time she felt it, the air filling her lings, the feeling of having a surface under her. It did not stop the scream she had screamed before stop her now. 

She sat up, not really paying attention to nothing else. Then she screamed, screamed a dry and emotion filled scream that she hoped would remove the desperation within her. 


And we're off! There goes the start of Sudden Destruction. I've got most of it settled down. What you guys think so far? Comment what you believe you'll read in future chapters. I want to know how good you guys are at predicting. 

School has been up my back for a while but I finally got a break. Spring Break doesn't start 'til next week, which really sucks. Not this week, but the week after, so after March I'm a free antisocial human being. 

Also! I got a copy of Lady Midnight. Halfway done and I cannot believe what I am reading. It is just I can't even describe it! So much is happening in just such a short while. Emma. And Jules. And the Blackthorns. And Mortal Instruments characters being brought up. I am just done. Cassie had also been here in Los Angeles not long ago, but it hurt so much that I was not able to go. I had been able to buy the book the same afternoon it came out and Cassie's appearance, while also getting the wristband for it, but I wasn't able to stay to meet her or the cast. I cry. 

Anyways, excuse my rant. There'll be more to come. 

Until next time, 



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