The Dead Wolf

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Hook and Regina places me on a bed in the back of the shop.  Mr. Gold with the help of Belle searches the shop looking for something to help me.  Emma and Hook talk to me to keep me awake as Regina paces around the shop with a phone to her ear.  She is calling Ruby, but I already know it wasn't Ruby as the wolf this was different, and there wasn't a full moon.  The curse must have brought over more people then I thought it did.  That means they may have a small memory of me being the Darkone, Shoot!

Rumple appears in the shop next to me eying my bite and talking to me softly.  I keep eying him back since I can't talk to him with the heroes with me.  Emma and Hook notice me looking in the other direction and Emma places a hand on my knee.  I jump a bit and I look back at her with a mixed expression between the Darkone and who I use to be.  She looks at me for a second studying my facial expressions.

"What's wrong Molly, you look like you've just seen a ghost" Emma says her hand still on my knee

"Nothing, I'm fine, I was just thinking" I say to her

"You don't look like you were thinking, you look like you were talking to someone" Emma suggests to me

I change the subject by wincing "Emma, my ankle..." I say as a burst of pain shoots up my leg

"Crocodile you better hurry" Hook yells into the doorway that leads into the shop

"I just got off the phone with Ruby she said it wasn't her, she is at the diner working" Regina says slamming her phone shut, "but she is coming to the shop to check out the bite."

Belle steps into the room holding a dusty book.  Another burst of pain shoots throughout my leg and I fall off of the bed.  Mr. Gold hurries over and helps me up back onto the bed as Belle reads what they must do. 

"Regina, Emma you must make her fall asleep, then Rumple and I will do the rest" Belle says smiling at me as I wince again preparing for more pain. 

Emma helps me lay down on the bed propping my ankle onto a pillow.  They explain that I have to be open to this magic and that it will help save me.  I accept and I start following Regina and Emma's finger as they wave in above my head.  In unison they touch my head as my eyes get heavy and everything is dark.

Everything is black, but then a small light appears I reach out and grab it noticing it was a torch.  Then I fall through the floor into a fire room.  Oh no, not this again, I thought these dreams were over with after Joe died.  I thought the only people that got them were under a sleeping curse.  Was I under a sleeping curse?  No I wasn't, was I?


I wake up as the sun rises, everyone is sitting around me with addition to Robin, Henry, and Ruby.  Roland must be with a babysitter.  I try to sit up but my body won't let me unless I want to pass out, and I don't want to pass out again.  Hook, Mr. Gold and Henry all sit closest to me.  Henry sees that I am awake and taps Mr. Gold and Hook.  Hook smiles standing as well as Mr. Gold.  Mr. Gold walks into the shop to grab something as Hook and Henry lean over me to help me stand, I instantly fall back.  Mr. Gold comes back holding a black stick with a green handle, handing me the object I notice it was a cane.  I look at it raising an eyebrow.

"You don't have to be old to have a cane" Mr. Gold says "You need this just for a while until your ankle heals."

"Did you find out who the wolf was that attacked me" I say leaning on the cane, admiring its craftsmanship

"Well I was wondering if you can describe it" Ruby says

"Um.. okay, it was black with some brown streaks in it, there was these bright yellow piercing eyes, and these razor sharp teeth" I say to Ruby

"Oh my gods" she says collapsing onto her chair

"What?! Who is it?" Emma asks wide eyed

"Quinn... I thought he was dead, I saw him die, with my own two eyes.  How did he get here?" she spits out baffled

"So a dead guy almost killed me" I say laughing, a bit on the wicked side.

Everyone turns toward me wide eyed, Killian raising an eyebrow.  Damn it! 

"Where did that come from" I ask myself, loud enough for everyone to hear me.  "Any way, so a dead person almost killed me and my memories are blocked, what next? My mother coming back from the dead."

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