Darkness Creeps up on You

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(Molly's POV)

I feel the familiar taste of the darkness come back to me.  The darkness is tricky, it creeps up on you when you least expect it.  Right now I know it is controlling me, but right now it is just too hard to push off since Henry and all of them betrayed me.  I know I shouldn't be doing what I am doing but I just want to.  My own voice gets pushed to the back of my head and the Darkone voice comes forward. 

Like several times before I feel like I am being watched by something, something evil, something dark, but also curious and determined.  I leave that feeling locked in the back cell part of my brain, telling myself I will get to that after I finish doing what I came here to do.

I see Henry step in front of Violet putting a protection arm around her, Emma doing the same thing to Henry, yet she is off to the side so I can easily see Henry holding Violet.  My mind may be playing tricks on me but, I see him holding her like her held me after he woke me up five years ago.  But I also see something different, a dark shape off to the corner of the room, I just assume that it is a Darkone. 

"You betrayed me! All of you did! Especially you Henry! You told me you would do anything for me, like I told you I would too! Yet you went behind my back and hid her! When she came to your doorstep that night  I was with everyone locking up my mother.  The first thing you thought was to go tell Emma! Then with the help of the heroes, you hid her from my view, so I didn't know she was there! All this time, you could have avoided all of this by just telling me! But, no you had to make assumptions and hide her! And now look where we are," I yell at Henry and Emma, but mostly toward Henry.  I see Violet cowering in fear behind him. 

"H-how did you know that," Henry asks stunned.

"The right question shouldn't be how, the right question would be why didn't you tell me! I am the Darkone Henry, I inherited Gold's power to see into the future! I just thought it was one of the things that could be, not that will be! I put so much faith into you, not keeping something from me, or not leaving me I let it blind me," I scream at him more.

"I-I'm sorry Molly, just please don't do this," Henry says softly, but not steady.

"I didn't do this, you did," I say waving my hand making Violet pass out next to Henry. 

I smirk at my handy work, Violet passed out on the ground not to be woken unless I want her to be woken.  I take a step forward than another toward Violet.  When I am next to her I bend down and stroke her cheek smirking wickedly.  Her skin ice cold, I can't wait till the town sees this. They will know that they should fear me, and that nothing gets in the way of my happy ending.  I than stand up and look into Henry's fearful and sad eyes.

"See what you made me do Henry," I say to him straightening out my poster.

"I didn't make you do this, the darkness did, you did," he says looking at me with fear in his eyes.

I get angry with him again, "Whatever Henry, it is the same thing!"

Henry takes a few steps forward, holding out a hand toward me, "No it's not Molly, it's totally different.  Please step back into the light Moll." 

I see Emma taking steps forward toward Henry, I also see Henry's determined, loving but fearful eyes.  Emma gets up to Henry and pushes him back.

"Stay back kid," Emma says, her hands twinkling with white light.

I smirk using this jester as a challenge, "Oh, want to stay are fight now, don't we?"

Emma fights back, "If it is to keep my family safe from you, than yes, any day."

"Shut up Emma! Just shut up! You once said you wanted to adopt me! You once said I was your family! Yet another lie, the lies just keep on coming don't they!"

"I did want to adopt you before you turned into this," Emma said glaring at me.

"Yet, if Henry was the Darkone you would do anything to save him, yet when Hook was the Darkone then died you still were there for him.  But when it comes to me it's a no way!" I yell at her.

"It's different," Emma says to me.

"No it's the same thing," I say using my magic to throw Emma across the room, she hits her head on the staircase railing and passes out too. 

I feel many emotions, fear, envy, jealousy, anger, sadness, right now it is hard to sort through them all.  I don't know what to do, what to say.  All I know is that I don't want to be here, and if anyone talks to me they are dead, literally.  I feel my eyes, blacken and burn, flames showing in them.  My heart, thoughts, and soul get suffocated by the darkness. When I return I am no longer Molly, I am the Darkone, and only that.  Nothing gets in my way, not even the people I care about.  My own voice inside my head is battling and screaming inside my head trying to get out but the darkness won't let it.  I look up at Henry who looks at Violet, Emma than at me, holding my gaze.

No one is left in the house, just me and Henry.  Nothing standing in between our happy ending but the darkness that overpowers my thoughts and actions.

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