Step One of My Plan

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I stomp farther away from the cabin my mother by my side.  I wish Mary Margret was more my size, she is about five inches taller then me so it takes me a while to get balanced.  David is basically as tall as Zelena when she wears heels and she is use to the clovers power so she is already balanced.   We reach the edge of the woods when someone approaches us, Henry.

"Grandma, Grandpa! Did you find Robin yet," he says coming to a stop three feet in front of us.

"No kid sorry," Zelena says in David's body.

"We will look after dinner, we will find him I promise," I say putting a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

Henry smiles and runs ahead of us as we walk toward the diner.  I look around quickly making sure no one is watching us and no one is near us before I speak.

"We need to get to the loft, I have my sketch book there.  That's how they found out I was the Darkone" I whisper to her.

"How does a sketch book reveal that," she asks baffled.

"You will see, I wasn't cautious, and I was stupid.  I will show you later," I say as we get in front of the diner. 

I take a deep breath controlling my anger and the darkness just for a while so it doesn't show when we walk in. Everyone looks up from their seats.  Regina looks worried that Robin didn't come in with us. Roland's eyes begin to water.  I fight the urge to smirk reminding myself I was in Mary Margret's body.  I walk over to the booth were Emma, Henry, Roland, Regina and Hook sit. 

I breathe, "I'm sorry Regina we couldn't find Robin, I tracked the footprints they stopped in the middle of a stride."

Roland lets out a whimper as he buries his head in Regina's shoulder.  Regina whispers softly to Roland reassuring him that they would find him.  Again I try to force back the smirk that was trying to creep onto my lips.  We all eat making small chat I got the hang of playing Mary Margret after a while and they actually bought it.  Zelena was a natural and they didn't suspect anything of her.  I walked out of Granny's hand in hand with 'David' with Emma and Henry behind us. 

We quickly arrive in the loft since it is so close to the diner.  Emma goes to tuck Henry in even though his is almost a teenager basically he is twenty but here he is almost fifteen.  Once they leave the room me and Zelena still looking like Snow and Charming start to look through cabinets and shelves looking for any trace of the sketch book.  I had my hand feeling around in the kitchen cabinet when Emma walks in looking at me confused.  I instantly slam the door and stand up straight leaning slightly on the counter. 

"What are you doing," Emma asks putting her leather jacket down on the chair raising an eyebrow at me.

I quickly think, "I was looking for something that may tell us where and why Molly is hiding or something about her past.  Like you came here with your baby blanket."

"That's actually a good idea, here's her bag.  Henry had it because he was looking at the sketches and the storybook," Emma says handing me the bag.

I dump out the things in my backpack which is the storybook, my sketchbook, a folded up piece of paper that had Zelena's drawing of it, and a old flip phone that died when I first crossed the town line.  Emma goes to the flip phone and attempts to turn it on, but fails.  Then she grabs the folded paper and opens it up and stares at it. 

"Looks like the drawing in the sketch book wasn't the only drawing she had of her mother, this looks like it was drawn before she even came here," Emma says handing it to me and Zelena. 

She then flips through the storybook finding nothing has changed in it she puts in back in the bag.  That's when she grabs the sketch book, she opens up to a page that the heroes haven't yet discovered.  The drawing of when me and Zelena first casted the Dark Curse. Emma looks closely at it, to close.  I quickly wave my hand out of her view and she collapses.  I quickly grab a napkin and scribble a note on it for Emma and Henry to find.

I turn back into myself and change into my velvet cloak and I shove the drawing of Zelena in my pocket quickly.  I look up at my mother quickly a mix of thoughtfulness and triumph in her eyes.  I grab the sketch book at the last second and I poof us out of the house back into the cabin.

I Wish: The Dark in my Light HeartWhere stories live. Discover now