4. so you're naturally a spawn of the devil?

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Hey guys I know that this is a 'shallow' chapter, but it is necessary. Sorry for the wait, vote and comment!







Run a hand through my hair.

Flip it to the right.

Fluff up the back.

Put a lock behind my ear.

Pout lips.


I smiled at my gorgeous reflection then proceeded to apply some strawberry scented lip gloss lightly on my lips.

Gosh, I’m beautiful.

I’m almost jealous of me.

I closed my locker door, scanning the halls for Chase.

Instead being met with a bunch of faces of worthless losers who hoped I could spare a glance at them.

Yeah right.

I walked to the fountain where everyone worthy of it hung out.

“Hey.” I said to Brymo, Chase’s friend.

Or was it Brian…

I think it’s Brett…

Yeah, I’ll go with Brett.

“Yo Rose!” He gave me a hi-five.

I suppressed the urge to grimace as he high fived my newly French manicured nails. Does he not know how precious my babies are?


“Have you seen Chase?” I asked at the same time he asked; “have you seen Gemma?”

Gemma was Brett’s girlfriend…

Well that’s what he said…they’re more like fuck buddies.

I don’t know why on earth he would even hook up with her though, she’s a hideous little beast who needs to be put down.

Hate that bitch.

“Hey Rose.”

I turned, plastering a smile on my face. “Hey Gemma.”

“What’s up?” She asked.

“Nothing.” I looked over to her butt ugly shirt.


“Cute top.” I lied. “It really suits you.”

She beamed at me. “Oh thanks, it’s Versace.”

Versace my ass.

“So, Chase?” I asked, turning to Brett.

“Last I saw him, he was around the stairs.” Brett told me.

I nodded. “Thanks.”

I went off to the stairs, looking for Chase.

I haven’t seen him all day and I don’t what’s going on but I hope nothing’s wrong, he can’t be hurt because if he is, there goes Friday’s game.

He can’t miss the game, I’m planning on going to support my hubby, and there are going to be so many important people at this championship.

I walked under the stairs, heading towards the fields, but then I heard some noises….

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