6. are you trying to kill me with that thing?

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Also, this is the last chapter before the epilogue guys!







“Thanks for walking me to class.” I told Shane, kissing his cheek quickly.

He smiled at me. “No problem, I’ll see you later Rosebud.” He gave my hand a small squeeze.

“See you.” I smiled as he walked away to go to his class.

God, I love that boy.

And now, I can proudly say that he’s all mine.

This started that day he invited me into his room three days ago, and we’ve been a couple ever since.


“So…” I looked down at my feet.

"Want to come in?" He asked nervously.                                                                                        

A smile broke out onto my face “I’d love that.”

I looked around his room that I had missed so much and my smile turned into a huge grin. He walked past me and plopped down on his bed, playing the movie he was watching.

“Are you watching Indiana Jones?” I asked.

He nodded, smiling at me. He pat the spot next to him on his bed and I noticed how his muscles rippled as he pat the bed.

I walked over and laid down next to him, trying to watch the movie, but I couldn’t focus on it with his warm and shirtless body against mine. Before long I found myself leaning into his chest and he wrapped an arm around my body.

“Shane?” I asked.


“You remember what I said at the door?”

He chuckled. “Something along the lines of ‘I want you and only you Shane.’” He mimicked my voice.

I punched his chest softly. “I don’t sound like that…and…I don’t know how to say this…” I trailed of, mentally slapping myself.

What do I say now?

I just made it more awkward.

He pulled away to look at my face and raised an eyebrow at me.

“Sorry, I just don’t know what to do because I don’t want to mess this up and all but there’s so many things I want to tell you and I don’t know how I can. I just feel like I’m really awkward with these kinds of things and I wish that I could-”

“Hey.” He said, stopping my rambling as our faces moved closer until they were inches apart. “I love you.”

Then he pressed his lips against mine, making me forget what I even wanted to say. He put one hand on the small of my back, moving me closer to him until I was straddling him and my hands were tangled in his dark hair, pulling him closer to me.

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