epilogue. where's your pretty face?

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 I was in the bathroom, fixing myself up for the stupid ball that my mom is still insisting I attend.

Though I don't want to do it, it's the only way that my mom will let me move back in after our fight, so frankly I have no choice but to attend it.

As I was fixing my mascara, I heard a familiar voice, that I had been hoping to hear.

"Hello darling!"

I looked above me to see Darren smiling down at me.

"I was wondering when you'd come." I told him.

"Sorry I took so long." He apologized. "You'd be surprised how many teens cry in the bathroom every day. It's been a busy week."

I think I have a pretty good idea of it, seeing as I used to be one of those teens.

I nodded. "I could imagine."

He chuckled. "So. You did it, you made Shane not only admit he loves you, but admit he's fallen in love with you, which is more than I asked for, so props to you."

I gave him a small curtsey.

"That means, you get your wish, you can wish for whatever you want."

"Personality fix?" I tried.

He shook his head. "Sorry. That's something that you'll need to fix on your own, I can't wish up a good personality, but you certainly look prettier than the last time we met."

"I figured as much."

"Sorry darling, there has to be something else though, right?"

If I can't fix myself, I can make the most important person to me to be happy.

"Yeah, I wish that Shane could forget about all that happened. That he doesn't have to remember what I did to him, and that I ever dated Chase or anything...just that he forgets the past few weeks so that we can he can be completely happy. I don't want him to doubt me."

"Done." Darren beamed.

"Just like that?"

He nodded.

I looked in the mirror to see that I looked the same. "Why am I still pretty?" I wondered.

"You get to keep your looks." He informed me.

I didn't know that that was a part of the deal.

"Well then Darren, do you think you could do me a favor? As friends...and just keep this between the two of us?" I asked.

He raised an eyebrow. "What exactly do you have in mind?"

A smile broke out on my face.

This is going to be good.

Collective gasps echoed throughout the crowd as I ran onto the floor where everyone was.

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