Chapter 1

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~Tiger Lily's POV~

I look around the big ship. I really don't know what I'm doing. I'm so confused.

'Who am I? What's my real name?'

"Tiger lily!" I hear a voice call.

I turn to see Felix. He is also with that one guy, Locus.

"Control said you can work with us." Felix told me.

"Work with you guys for what?" I ask turning my head to the side a little.

"We are on a mission. We are trying to take over Chorus. So if you want to help, you can help us." Locus said.

"Yeah! I would love to help." I said.

"You can teach her stuff. I'm not going to waste my time." Locus turned and walked away.

"Am I a waste of time to you? Cause if I am, I can teach myself." I said looking down and twiddling my thumbs together.

"Nah! Not at all. Plus, I like spending time with you." Felix said putting both of his hands on his hips. "Now. Follow me. We don't have a lot of time, So we need all that we can get."

We walked into a big room with a lot of train stuff. Like dummies, dart boards for knife throwing, punching bags, and tons more.

"Let's start with body training. Make sure you are not out of shape. Give me 10."

"I don't have 10 dollars on me." I say rubbing the of my neck.

"No, give me 10 push ups." Felix chuckled out. I stand there for little and then go down on the ground.

I barely did 10 push ups.

"We will work more on that." Felix said. "How about sit ups?"

I turn over on my back.

"How much?"

"Until I say stop."

-time skip-

I did everything in that training room. I wasn't half bad if I say so myself. To me, I was really good at knife throwing. So I earned the nickname 'little knife' from Felix.

"Ok that's it for today." Felix said patting my back.

"Ok." I looked back down at my knife and started to sharping it again.

"I'll see you later, I need to talk to Locus." After that I was left alone with my thoughts.

'What happened to me? Why do I feel like someone needs me right now? Why do I feel like I'm missing someone that was with me all the time? All theses questions with no answers.'

I was forced back to earth when someone walked in.

"Tiger lily. Can you come with me." The nurse asked. I nod and walk with her.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Well we need to do some surgery on you. We found something that needs to be taking out of you." The nurse explained. I nod and say nothing else.

I get into the infirmary and sit on the bed. The doctor walks in shortly after us.

"I have a couple of questions to ask." The doctor said.

"What is it?"

"Have you heard any voices in your head?"

"Umm, no, just my own voice." I said clearly confused.

Chasing After a Memory.. (RvbFanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ