Chapter 3

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a LONG and I mean LONG time. I've been having writers block and I've just been lazy....

~Tiger Lily's pov~

Oh Felix... that clever, sneaky bastard. I love him, I do. The way he is getting info out of them and how the reds and blues don't even know they are getting set up for death and failure is kinda funny in a way.

But I can't stop this constant pull at my heart and how my gut is getting filled with regret. Why?

"So how bad is this?" Washington's voice drags me back to reality. I push myself off of the wall I was leaning on and walk over to the two male soldiers, leaning on Felix's shoulder.

"The man coming for us is named Locus." Felix starts, "he's a merc, like me and Tiger."

"But way more terrifying." I add with a small chuckle.

"Locus?" Wash says, placing a hand to his head in a confused manner.

"Yeah. That man is so far gone, he prefers to go by the name of his armor then his birth name." I shout, using my hands for emphasis. Felix adds a "cuckoo cuckoo" whistle and I chuckle, he then pulls me close.

"That's unsettling." Washington walks pass us a little.

"Hmm? Are you first name Agent, last name Washington?" Felix cracks.

"That's just...." Washington pauses, finding the right words, "old habits..."

"Hope those 'old habits' kick in when he shows up." I said with a giddy kinda tone, placing my hands behind my head.

"I thought there were more of you." Felix looks around. "Weren't you with a another Freelancer? And an A.I?"


"They disappeared not long after we crashed." He looks up at the sky.

"Any idea where they went?" I ask looking over at him, a curious tone in my voice.

"No..." He looks down at his feet.

"Hmm.. well if it makes you feel any better, I haven't heard anything about them over the radio." Felix says looking away. I hum in agreement.

"How is he able to cloak himself." Washington blurts.

"Hmm?" Both Felix and I turn our heads to the Agent.

"Locus. He turned invisible. Explain."

"The Federal army has a lot of neat stuff. I got my shield off a dead soldier." Felix removes his arm from around my waist and steps back, showing off his shield.

"Pretty cool, huh?"

"I've never seen that stuff outside of Project Freelancer." Washington says in a nervous kinda tone.

Felix walks away.

"Welcome to the Future Wash. Technology is incredible, and everybody uses it to kill each other."

"Does that mean your guys got the same equipment?"

"Ha! I wish. From what I saw, the Rebels are barely getting by with what they have." I state, trying to keep up with them.

"You wouldn't happen to have some armor on that wreck would ya?" Felix nods his head at the broken ship.

"Plenty of armor nothing out of the ordinary."

"At least you can mix things up!" Felix says jokingly.

"You can try color combos? Eh?" I add walking up beside Washington. He turns towards me. I feel a deadly aura.

"I-I am sorry. Trying to lighting the mood." I get a little animated, and I hid behind Felix for a dramatic effect.

"Actually, I might indulge on some of those old habits." Washington walks past us, mumbling a follow me.

"Man. He's just cryptic. Like all the time, do you see this Babe?"

"Come on, let's go." I chuckle, grabbing his hand and we follow Washington.


After Washington got his little make over, we head over to the reds and blues. They are having some little conversation about the new battle field.

"Donuts got a point though." Washington says making us have a dramatic entrance. "I think we are ready."

"Back in black Wash!"

"That brings back memories. When we met. And you meeting Alaska again. And you shot Donut."


I get a painful headache.

"Babe? You ok?" Felix whispered in a concerned tone. I nod and place a hand on his chest to show I'm fine.

"Between the land mines, Freckles, and the tank. I don't think anyone is going to stand a chance against us."


"Everyone get ready! They are here!" Washington shouts.

"No Locus wouldn't attack like this." Felix says, steading me.

"Who else wants us dead?"

Soon a large robot like Freckles comes to view, Sarge running from it.

Why is it shouting in Spanish?!

Freckles stands in front of us in a protective manner.

Everything is chaos.

"Shit!" Felix blocks a bullet. Locus is here.

"Surrender now. And I promise to only kill the two Mercenaries." I get beside Felix and pull out my gun.

"You and what army?" Griff says cockily.

"The Federal Army of Chorus." More soldiers appear by Locus.

"Looks like back up isn't getting here in time."

"Wash? What's the plan." Tucker whimpers out.

He raises his gun.


We gotta fight.



It's been a hot minute!
You guys still alive? Still wanna read this book? Still into it?

And yes! If you haven't noticed I took down the first book.


Well I'll explain it in the page! So... go there!!!!

- xMoonlightfangx

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