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Ok so I took down "The Other Side"


Well I hated it....

I hated everything about that book.

Idk why, I felt an uneasiness in my stomach when I look at it

I disappointed feeling, so I took it down.

So what I'm gonna do is put a summary of that book here so if new people come and read this, they will know the jist of stuff when I bring up references from the old book.

Summary..... basically

So Agent Alaska, aka Tiger Lily in this book, got thrown into Blood Gulch with the reds and blues (on Blue side) cause the Director didn't need her anymore, she was useless.

She also had her A.I. Beta when she left.

Time passes and she meet Meta when she was transferred over to a new location by herself. She almost betrayed the Reds and Blues cause of her old team mate but Wash showed up and stopped her, telling her what he did.

Over the adventure her feelings of Wash grew stronger, resulting in her falling for him (she liked him when they were in Freelancer but she pushed that away cause she wanted to focus on the missions and stuff)

But Wash betrayed the team, he went to the Meta. It broke Alaska's heart. She hated Washington for that. She wanted to get revenge.

The final battle came, Beta is shutting down (A.I get like that, they usually start "dying" after 5 or 10 years, something like that) Alaska and the others fight Wash and Meta. Washington turns to the Red and Blue side but Alaska still doesn't forgive him.

When Maine gets pulled down the cliff, so does Alaska. No one reaches her in time and she falls down with Meta.

Washington feels sadness, guilt and anger.

Alaska is dead. Or is she.

End of summary

It sounds good right?


How it turned out was a train wreck! So I deleted it.

But I like how I'm writing this story so I decided to keep this up, and I was deciding on rewriting this one into its own storyline, instead of it being like a sequel.

But I was like nah! I'll tell everyone "hey! HeRe's THe soRyLiNE tO "tHe OTheR sIdE" cAusE I hAtE it aND mYSelF AnD I hAvE nO ConFiDEnCe in mY WrItiNg"

Anyway, that's that.

I'll try and update as much as possible, I'm not fully back but I'm kinda here.

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