The Attack

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~This is Jareds' wolf form ignore the red and the white circle, also he has brown eyes~


Sofia yelled in frustration, if they found out that Jack betrayed his own kind then he'll be killed for sure. That would mean that I no longer have someone on the inside, and I wouldn't be able to know what my enemy is planning ,or if they have any secret hideouts I should know about. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice Jared coming in my cave ~some don't live in the wolf cave but have their own cave just in case they didn't want to go back home at the time_ Sofia is one of those people_~ Jared tapped on my shoulder and said,"Sofia are you alright?"
I looked at Jared and hit his hand I continue looking at the wall I was staring at. "Yeah I'm alright, What do you want anyway?" I looked back at Jared and by the confused look on his face, I realized that I was the one who called for him to come to meet me. "Never mind did my uncle say that his wife finished signing you in to the school?" "No, he didn't say anything to me, but Sam told me that you had to show me the school so I could get used to that environment," said Jared. I stared at Jared and saw that he was getting nervous, I ignored him and said,"Fine let's go."
We walked out of my cave and started walking towards a pathway that leads to outside, as we were walking I noticed that every wolf we passed was bowing down, I was already used to it. It's normal since I'm the future alpha.
We finally made it out of the wolf cave and I turned around and looked at Jared. "We could transform into our wolf form, it would be faster then walking on our two legs." Jared looked at me then shooked his head as if he was saying ok.
I turned back around and now I was facing the woods, I suddenly felt myself transform and when I opened my eyes I was in my wolf form and I looked back at Jared to see if he transformed. When I saw him in his form I realized he was a mixture of black and white. I decided to start running ,but as I jumped over a hill I saw a blurry blonde figure I decided to ignore it and continue running.

~Jared's pov~

When I saw Sofia was turning into a wolf I realized it was my cue to transform too. After I turned into my wolf form I see Sofia looking at me, I guess to check if I was in my wolf form. Then she started running so I followed her, we started getting near this cave that was formed by trees. I realized we were going in the tree cave, since Sofia ran inside the cave so kept running. As soon as I got in the cave I see Sofia in her human form, which meant that we were more likely to be seen by other humans if we continue going in our wolf form. So I transformed to my human form and saw Sofia looking at me so I said, "What?"

~Sofia's pov~

As I went in the cave, I realized Jared wasn't behind and decided to transform in my human form and wait for him. As I got up I look through a hole in one of the trees and saw that we were close by the school ,but even though it was late I saw a lot of lights coming from one of the building. I then heard Jared coming inside. I turned around and stared at him, I guess he finally realized I was staring and asked,"What?" "We can't go any closer it seems that there's normals in the building, and who knows if my sister or her pathetic friends are there." Jared~"So what do we do?" "Well you can continue going towards the school and if you get caught you could say that you're going to be a new student and that you just wanted to look around since the principal told you that there was a dance at the school." Jared~ " Ok but what if Estefany or her friends caches me, what do I say?" "You could tell them that you're half of both sides and was rejected by the bad wolves so you were forced to flee." Jared~"I guess that could work. I guess I'lll go right now ,but wait how do I contact you?" "Well everynight you'll report here, like around 7 or 8 pm."

~Jared's pov~

As Sofia told me the time to meet her all these thoughts came to my head, What if they found out who I really am? What would they do when they see me.... I was then interrupted by Sofia saying, " Well are you going or not?" I didn't want to disappoint Sofia ,so I nodded my head and started to head to the school, and when I was at the front of a building that looked like ,a cafeteria/gym, I was greeted by...............

Hey everyone thank you for reading my story sad thing is I might not be able to continue this story until summer, you see I'm not doing to good in school and my parents believe that everything I do is a distraction. So I'm now banned from watching anime, reading fanfics, and even writing my story. That's probably the reason I'm not my usual self *yells*-"I NEED MY ANIME!!!!!!!" So I might be able to continue if I pick up my grade, so wish me luck.


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