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About ten minutes later Ollie arrived back at Zosia's and as he had a key he let himself in. "Zosh, I'm back."

Zosia didn't reply so he went to her bedroom. When he got to her door he gently knocked before going in. He saw Zosia sat on her bed, she was looking in a box and had a few tears in her eyes and down her cheeks.

She slowly looked up at him "hey."

"What's the matter? What are you looking at?" Ollie asked quietly

"I, I was going through my wardrobe, and I found this." Zosia pointed at the box "it's got some old photos in."

"Oh." Ollie whispered

He walked over to the bed and crawled on it to where Zosia was sat. When he got there he put his arm around Zosia and she snuggled into his side. After a while Ollie was certain she had fallen asleep so he slowly moved them both so he was leaning against the wall and she was still hugged into his side.

Ollie had noticed that there where photos scattered on Zosia's bed and he began to look at them.

He picked one up and laughed a little but very quietly. It was a picture of Guy sat on a foldable chair on a beach with a fishing pole wedged into the ground next to it. A little Zosia was sat in the sand either leg each side of the fishing pole and she was holding onto it with one hand while waving to the camera with the other.

Ollie turned it over as he had noticed it had writing on the back. It said 

G&Z        1996

Ollie figured the G and Z meant Guy and Zosia and that if it was in 1996 Zosia would have been 7.

Another photo caught Ollies eye. 2 girls one he could make out to be Zosia and one baby. He turned it over to see

Z&J       2000

This making Zosia 11 at the time.

Still a little confused Ollie looked through some more and found a few of Zosia and 'J' a few were just them two and a few had Guy or Anya in. Ollie had seen pictures of Zosia's mum before so he knew what she looked like.

Soon Zosia started to stir a little and she sat up to see Ollie looking at the photos. "What are you looking at?"

"J" Ollie said as if he was asking

"Julia." Zosia said back "she's, urm, she's my sister."

Ollie looked up at Zosia "I didn't know you have a sister."

"No. Not many people do." Zosia sighed "she lives in Poland with my grandparents. I haven't seen her since she was about 13. 3 years ago, she'll be 16 now. I've spoken to her over the phone but I haven't seen her."

"Why does she live with your grandparents?." Ollie asked 

"Let's just say, Julia has more against my dad than I do."

Ollie looked at Zosia to see tears building up. "Are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah I'll be fine. I just don't really have that many people left. I just miss her that's all."

Ollie pulled her close again and held her until she was ready to start packing everything up again.

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