What a pair

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The night was quietening down. There weren't many people there in the first place and some had already left. It was about 10 o'clock and many people had to work tomorrow so they'd gone. With Zosia's dad not attending the only family she really had to invite was her sister but guy had forced her to go home at 7 and Ollie had only invited penny.
Some people were still there, there were still people that didn't have to work tomorrow but it was now pretty much just like a night in albies but with a free bar.
Niether Zosia Ollie were that bothered though, infact they quite like it. Ollie was at the bar with Dom and some others while Zosia was sat at a table talking with penny.
"You know you just married my brother? Right? Seems like quite a stupid thing to do if you ask me." Penny said
"Well it's a good job no one asked you then isn't it." Zosia laughed back
"No but seriously, you've helped me through loads these last few months. My brother just freaked out you calmed him down and you've been there for me as well. I can't think of anyone better to marry him. And he loves you, it's so obvious it's almost totally disgusting."
Zosia laughed again "well I love him too. And my reaction would have been worse if I was in Ollies position. It's one thing seeing it's another living. To be honest I think he handled it quite well."
Ollie came up behind the two and placed two new glasses of alcohol on the table for them.
"Don't suppose I could cut in and have a dance?" He said
Zosia smiled as penny nodded at her. Ollie took he over to the dance floor as a slower song came on.
"So how does it feel to be Mrs Valentine?" Ollie asked smiling as the pair swayed to the music.
"I don't know ask me in the morning after I've have time to decide."
Ollie smiled at her "I love you."
"Yeah your sister said it really obvious."
Ollie rolled his eyes "I swear that the two of you are plotting something against me."
"Hey at least we're friends, we could hate each other then you'd have a problem." Zosia smiled back.

At the other side of the room Dom had sat down with penny.
"What a pair they make huh." Penny said and she clinked her glass with Doms.

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