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Being a delivery man definitely wasn't Nico's dream job, but since it was Hades who asked him and it was for Hazel, he agreed to do it. He was just about to shadow travel to the Camp Jupiter when he heard a scream fulfilled with pain. It wasn't just an ordinary scream. It was Percy's. He didn't think it was possible, but blood froze in his veins. As fast as he could he ran towards the source of sound. After only twenty seconds, which felt like eternity, he saw Percy standing next to a campfire, which was flaming furiously. His face was sad and grim. His usually blue and green sea eyes were watered and stormy. He took off his clay beads necklace and tossed it into fire. Then he sat on a log and hid his face in hands.
'I don't think that camp necklace is a good burnt offering for any god' said Nico quietly, stepping out of shadows.

Percy looked at him with such despair it would break Nico's heart if he'd admit that he has one 'She's gone Nico... After all we've been through, she's just gone' Percy whispered and a single tear run down his face.
'Annabeth? Is she...? No, she can't be. I'd know if she was dead. What happened? '
'Dead? Gods, no. She's alive and very, very happy with my old friend Luke-' his voice broke when he said Castellan's name '-She brought him back from the Underworld. I should be happy, but I can't... I really.. Just can't. My worst nightmare came true.. She loved him all along, I wasn't enough.'

Nico didn't know what to say, but finally he placed his hand on Percy's shoulder and squeezed it weakly. He was just about to sit next to him when he said 'You had a crush on Annabeth, hadn't you? That's why you ran away'.

Nico gritted his teeth 'I'm not running away and Annabeth has nothing to do with my life. I should probably go' he was ready to away

'Yes you are running away! All the time- even now. Nico' he sighed 'i know you hate me, because of Bianca and Annabeth. Listen I'm really sorry, I truly am. I will never forgive myself for what happened to your sister. As for Annabeth I know how you feel'

'You have no idea what I feel' said Nico bitterly 'no one has, so stop telling that you understand. You clearly don't'

'Tell me then. I want to understand and help you. I want to be your friend'

'My friend?' Nico smiled coldly. It was a smirk of somebody who was lonely for far too long 'I don't have friends'

'Of course you do, you have Hazel, you have me, you have...'

'Shut up Jackson! Just shut up'

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