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'No. Please, just listen to me...' suddenly Nico was in front of him, staring at his face. It looked like he was daring Percy to fight or at least push him away, but then he kissed him. He started gently. Then he felt a shiver going down his spine and let all the agony, pain, loneliness, bitterness and other mixed up feelings sink in through that kiss. He backed off, he wasn't brave enough to fix his eyes on Percy.
'It wasn't Annabeth, it was never her' Nico whispered 'I'm sorry' he turned and slowly started dissolving into shadow.

'You should've told me before'

'Yeah, sure. Two of the greatest heroes Olympus had ever seen and me, son of Hades, who doesn't belong anywhere, and, as if it wasn't enough, is foolishly in love with the greatest one of all.
I can totally picture us three together' his voice was bitter 'you and Annabeth were a perfect match, I never stood a chance and now as you know who I am, you probably resent me'

'I don't resent you' Percy whispered suddenly standing next to Nico 'As for me and Annabeth... Well, it seems she doesn't share your opinion about the perfect match. And you do belong' he took placed his hand on Nico's chest 'You have a heart beating like mine. You do belong- to the living, to Camp Half-Blood.
And I'm not the greatest hero... Sometimes I even wonder if I'm a hero at all' he sighed 'you said you don't stand a chance, but you don't know it. You never gave anyone an opportunity to get to know you better. Yet you are already important to me and you are the hero here. My hero'

Nico stood in shock, panic and a little bit of amazement 'I am your hero? '

'Of course you are. You saved me plenty of times and you were looking for me when I was gone. You were the silent hero, helping without being noticed or getting any credit' he smiled slightly and took his hand off Nico's chest what made him a little sad 'I know you are afraid of your feelings and toy feel more comfortable with the dead. But I am alive. I can't go with you to the Underworld. Camp Half-Blood is my home. It is your home. Could you... Come back, perhaps?' He asked quietly.

'What about Annabeth?'

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