Chapter 2: Hey There Delilah

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Harry's POV

My girlfriend is leaving for the United States because she got accepted to Stanford University. I am very sad that she's leaving. She's currently living in the flat we share but I feel there is no use for us to be in a relationship anymore. There's an eight hour time difference and I know she will find someone better than me. I am proud of her but I'm afraid to lose her. I'm currently attending UNI for business law but that means that we're miles apart from each other. As a part time job I work at a bakery near my home in Cheshire, Holmes Chapel, England. I like cooking it's something that I learned from my mother.

Delilah walked in our flat with shopping bags which means she went shopping with her friends again.

"Hi babe. What's for dinner because I'm starving?" When I looked at her eyes she has a sparkle to them. I pulled from my thoughts.

"I'm making us tacos. Is that okay with you sweetheart." I tried putting on a fake smile on because I got a call from Stanford today saying that she got accepted there. We met at UNI but she wanted something different other than being here. She applied to some colleges in the United States and today was the day that she would be going to a different college in a different country.

"Harry babe what's wrong you look sad." She whispered in a soft voice.

"Sit on the couch and I'll explain what's going on" We make our way to couch. We are sitting together holding hands. I look down and speak, "I got a call from Stanford today and they told me to tell you that you got accepted with them in their business program on full scholarship."

"Wow. I don't know what to say to that." She realises how big of deal this is and doesn't know what to say

"So what are you going to do since you're accepted?" I asked.

"I have to go. I got accepted. I want to go. This is my one and only chance Harry. Harry I need to go and pack. I love you but Harry do you think our relationship will ever work?" she asks with worry in her eyes.

"Delilah I know we love each other a lot but I feel it's not going to work if you go to Stanford. I think the feeling is mutual for us to break up." Delilah could tell that I was upset but she understood what I was saying. "Babe go pack. You leave tomorrow" With that she leaves to go to our room to start packing.


I park at the airport and help get things out of the car. I keep glancing at her and her eyes look glassy like she's ready to cry at any moment. I pull her into a hug knowing this is the hardest part for her. Her arms are around my neck not wanting to let go and she's now balling her eyes out not wanting to leave me. We pull away from the hug and I give her one last kiss reminding her that I'll be there for her when I can.

"Flight 476 is now boarding, flight 476 is now boarding" called the flight attendant.

"Baby be safe and have fun. We'll talk soon." We give each other one last hug and I watch the girl that I love the most walk away and start a new life in the United States.

My phone starts to ring and I realise it's Ed.

"Hey Ed what's up?"

"Hazza do you realise the girl you love is leaving forever and not coming back?"

"Yeah man I realise that but it is what is best for the both of us. Look in the end the feeling was mutual so it worked and I need to find a new girlfriend anyways because she started to annoy me. She hung out with her friends way too much and when I asked to go on dates she would turn me down."

"Harry you cant change it. What happens now will never be the same."

"Hey thanks for the talk. Look I need to go I have homework and my job to get to. We'll talk later. Bye Ed."


I was surfing on YouTube for some good videos to watch and I find this video of this girl who looks gorgeous but she also looked familiar. She started singing a cover of The Plain White-T's song Hey There Delilah and that song reminded me of my Delilah. The girl I let go this morning.

I needed to something to get my mind off her. Calling Ed sometimes is what I need to do to tell him how I'm feeling at the moment. I pull out my iPhone and scroll through my contacts until I find his number. I call and in the end all I get is his voicemail so I decided to hang up because there was no point in leaving a message.

When I checked the time it's already 11:30 at night so I head to bed with my feeling left empty inside my body. I started feeling dead with her not being around to hold and say 'I love you' before sleeping. I guess the only thing left is to find a new girlfriend that will love me for me and care about what I want.


I'll post the next chapter Sunday or Monday

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Thx. KayDucley

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