Chapter 3: Goodbye

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Louis's POV


"Loubear where are we going." Tara asks. My girlfriend is blindfolded because I'm taking her to her favourite concert. Also she doesn't know that I put earbuds on her to drain out the noise.

"Babe I'm not allowed to say or else that would ruin the point of a surprise." I'm driving down to the O2 Arena to see Coldplay and a meet and greet with the band.

"Are we there yet?" She asks in a whinny tone.

"We will get there soon enough. Trust me." I take her hand in mine and give a light kiss to her knuckles reassuring her that we will make it.

When we finally arrive at the O2 Arena. I get out of the car and walk over to the passenger side and open the door for Tara. She's still blindfolded and earbuds in. I lead her into the arena. I show the security guard the passes. He lets us in and I go to the dressing room where the band is. I dip my to her ear and whisper, "You can take off the blindfold and the other earbud." I watch her take the blindfold off and her whole face lights up with excitement.

"How were you able to do this Lou? Babe this must have been expensive."

"I have the connections to get a meet and greet with the band." She leaned in a gave me sweet kiss. The kiss didn't last long but long enough for the both of us that was until we were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I looked and saw Chris standing there with the rest of the band. We all introduced ourselves and made small talk until Chris was told that there are only five minutes left until going on stage.

"Looks like we should find our seats. Thanks Chris." I guided Tara to our seats and then then the concert started. Throughout the concert I was confessing my love to her. In the middle of the concert one of the security guards asked to go to the stage.

"Babe I need to use the bathroom. I'll be back." I made my to where the guard wanted me. When I got there I headed on stage. Stage crew gave me a mic and I walked on. There were screams and cheers coming from everyone. "Hello everyone. How's the concert going?" Loud screams came from everywhere. "I have a speech to make to my beautiful girlfriend Tara. Can you come up here?" She makes her way up to the stage. "I know we have been together for 3 years but I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Tara May Grace will you do the honours of being my wife?" I saws her with wide eyes, happy tears, and a shocked face as I'm on one knee.

"Louis you know I would to get married at the moment but I can't. I can't do it because I cheated on you with your best friend Michael. I'm also pregnant with his baby." I look at the girl who cheated on me with my best friend Michael.

"Tara... We are going to talk about this after in the hall." I whispered to her.

We walked off stage and that is when I went in flames of furry because of this. "Tara what the hell. WHY WOULD YOU CHEAT ON ME WITH MICHAEL OUT OF ALL PEOPLE. I MEAN REALLY. THIS RING THAT I BOUGHT COST ME MORE MONEY THAN YOU THINK. I CAN'T RETURN IT NOW BECAUSE IT'S CUSTOMISED RING FOR GOD SAKES. Tara answer me." I was at a whisper by the end because I was so hurt.

"Louis you want to know the truth. I'm getting tired of our relationship. I'm attending UNI here in Doncaster while you're attending in Manchester. Louis the only reason I went out with Michael was because I sick of the two us. He offered to take me out and some fun. We ended up at his flat and next thing I knew was it was morning and I was naked. Two days after the event with him, I started throwing up and not realising that I was two to three weeks off my period. I got a pregnancy test and it was positive. The dad to this baby is Michael. Louis I am very sorry but to be honest here in this situation I love Michael more than you. Babe we fell apart because of where are lives are. You'll find a girl that is good enough for you." When Tara finished her speech she walked away and I was left in the hallway stunned and confused but a tad happy.

The concert went on and neither one of us spoke to each other. Since the concert was in London I drove the two of us to the airport so I could fly to Manchester and Tara could go home to Doncaster. We got to my gate and everything seems disappointing because of where we stand at our relationship.

"What are we suppose to do now since we're broken up? I feel now that we're gonna nowhere with the relationship."

"Baby go find a girl that you will you love.  I know there is someone out there for you.  Have a good flight and remember we will always be friends.  Tell Eleanor I said hello.  Good luck with the rest of your studies.  We'll talk soon."  After she said goodbye she started walking towards her gate.  I take one more glace at her and board my flight to Manchester. 

The plane ride felt long but wasn't because I kept overhearing that a girl from America is coming over here for the start of her tour starting in London next week.  I needed a nap from the argument and the concert.  I took a nice deep nap until I heard the flight attendant say we are landing soon.  Landing took matter of minutes and I went directly to my car.  I got in my car and I needed to call the one person that I need most.  Eleanor was the one person I could talk about anything.  If I needed advice she was the one person I could go to.  I dialed her number and it rang two times before she picked up. 

"Hey Louis.  What do you need at two in the morning?" she sounded tired and not too happy to be on the phone with me.

"Well Tara's pregnant and we're not getting married anymore." I sounded annoyed and unhappy that this is going on.

"Oh, that's too bad.  I really liked Tara.  Well come over to my dorm room when you get settled." 

"Okay that sounds good.  We'll talk then and Eleanor I want to talk to you about something pertaining to us."  I was saying this with more confidence in my voice I needed to tell her that I'm in love with her more than a friend.  She's changed my life in matter of seconds.  My thoughts were taken away when I started hearing the buzzing noise of the phone, meaning that Eleanor hung up.

I walked into my dorm room and Michael was snoring so loud that I could put the telly on really loud and he wouldn't even know or care.  I got myself settled and walked down the hall to Eleanor's room.  I knocked a few times and then finally the door opened.  She smiled and asked me to come in which i gladly accepted.

"Lou do you want any tea?" She asked walking to the stove she had in the room.

"No thanks, I'm fine. El there's  something important I need to tell you and I'm not sure how you're going to take it considering things ended between Tara and I."  I took a deep breath ready to say the three simple words I've been dying to say.  "El, I like you."

"I like you too Lou like a brother to me."

"No that's not what I mean.  I'm saying I'm in love with you.  I know it sounds crazy but since the day I met you in that history class we had together I couldn't stop thinking about you.  Actually you're all I think about."  


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2014 ⏰

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