Shivers down my spine

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Where am I going to take her?? I don't wanna do anything lame because then she wouldn't like me at all. Then again I don't wanna do anything that makes it seems like a date.

Ugh. This is horrible. What am I gonna do?!

I decided that I was going to take her out to dinner then we can go on a walk around the park. Maybe from there we can go to my house and cuddle. I doubt she'll want to but why not?

I got dressed in something casual because like I said I don't want this to seem like a date.



After Hunter came to pick me up, it was an awkward silence in the car. After a while, we started talking and laughing. Just like we used to. I want to ask Hunter where we are going, but it just won't come out. I don't know if this is a date or not, but if it was im not complaining.

5 minutes later we arrive at my favorite restaurant. (A/N: Whatever is your favorite restaurant is, that's where they are) We got out and Hunter held the door open for me.

"Welcome. How many people??" The waitress asked. She smiled at Hunter in a flirtatious way. She looked young too. Like 18 or 19. But that's still too old for Hunter.

I looked around us and it was obviously just me and Hunter. Why would she ask that question.

"Just 2." He said returning the smile in a nice way.

"Okay follow me" she said giving me a dirty look.

What the heck? What did I do to her??

Hunter grabbed my hand as we walked behind her. I could feel sparks as his hand touched mine which sent shivers down my spine.

Hunter and I sat across from each other once we reached our table making our hands separate.

The waitress set our menus down and took our drink orders. She, of course, turned to take Hunter's order first. Hunter looked towards me , and said I could go first. After we told her our drink orders, she left.

"You look gorgeous y/n" Hunter says smiling.

"Thank you Hunter" I say blushing. "You don't look too bad yourself" I add winking.

The waitress came back. She slammed my drink down causing it to splash all over me.

I jump back, kinda shocked that she did that.

"WHAT THE HECK" Hunter says. "Why would you do that??"

I could tell he was mad so I told him to calm down. It was fine.

The manager came out and the waitress got in trouble. I'm pretty sure she got fired.... Oops.

"Are you okay??" Hunter says looking at me.

"Of course." I say while laughing. "It was just y/f/d ( y/f/d = your favorite drink) "

Hunter just laughs along.

After we ate, we went to the park. It was really pretty.

Hunter and I was currently walking while talking. I couldn't help but notice how perfect he was. Not only his looks but his personality is just... So ... There's not even a word to describe it. It's more than perfect.

"Umm... Y/n you okay there??" Hunter said while waving his hands in my face. He started laughing.

Oml his laugh is just to die for.

"yeah, yeah. Sorry. I just... Blanked out. " I say while laughing along with him.

"It's okay. I was just asking, if you wanted to spend the night at my place" He started touching his hair. He does that when he's nervous.

"Sure. But I don't have any clothes" I say.

"Don't worry. I still have some clothes you left at my house, when you used to sleep over all the time" he says looking down. He kinda looked sad when he said that.

I felt so guilty. I kinda just left Hunter for some stupid boy. But that was the past I guess. I can't change it. For now, I'm going to try to patch up Hunter and i's friendship. And hopefully we can become something more.



I'm so sorry guys. But I'm back.

Follow me on Instagram @hbr.babess

Jealousy // Hunter RowlandDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora