Princess and a Prince

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Thanks to imatude300 for the name suggestions.

In this imagine:

You are a princess who must be married to another Prince in order to rule the kingdom. Kanye is your father (the king) and Kim is ya movah. Obv. 😋 enjoy.

"You do realize you have to get married if you want to be the next heir to the thrown? Right?" My mother nagged following me to my closet.

"How could I forget." I mumbled rolling my eyes.

Of course I knew this. She's given me this speech every other day since my father, King Kanye, got terribly sick.

"What about Prince Christopher? He's a handsome looking boy and he's from right here in the West Kingdom."

I rolled my eyes once more, thrashing through all my dresses.

Just thinking about the Princes in the west kingdom made me agitated.

You see I don't like any of the Princes in the West Kingdom because they are all snobs and they feel as if they have the right to be, just because they are born nobles.

Me, I'm a humbling person and I do not want to deal with anyone who feels as if they're better than anyone just because of their social class, but finding a Prince that thinks like I do here is next to impossible.

"Why must I get married? What if I don't want to?" I shrieked plopping down hopelessly.

"Because, your father wants to create a dynasty. He would like for the family legacy to carry on and if you don't get married that means you won't have any children and the throne will be given to the next!"

"So he's just worried about his dynasty, rather then his daughter's happiness?" I looked up at my mother while she shook her head clearly frustrated with my stubbornness.

"Neveah, please just think about it. I'm sure you'll find the one you're going to like tonight at the ball. Now get ready it starts in a hour."

"I won't like any of them. I'm telling you!" I insisted as she walked away giving me peace.

To be honest I wasn't really sure if I even wanted to rule West Kingdom. Why couldn't they just give it to North?

I stood in front of the mirror bobbing my head to the music downstairs. It could be heard from all over the castle. Shit, probably all over the kingdom.

"Blac Chyna fuxking Rob helping him wit the weight." I rapped along to my favorite song.
But I was interrupted by a faint and barely audible knock on my door.

"Come in." I spoke softly while flattening the creases on my dress.

"Wow, my baby looks so amazing." My best friend, Amber, complimented while wiping away a few fake tears.

I couldn't help but giggle at her silliness

"Oh shut up!" I said while throwing a tiny pillow at her. "Where's Autumn?" Autumn was Amber's twin sister.

"She was downstairs trying to Mack with one of the servants." She being the dramatic person she is pretended to barf.

"What's so bad about that?" I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"Nothing, it's just she has poor taste in men. Kinda like you." She joked.

"Yeah, yeah sorry not everyone wants old wrinkly dick inside them like you do." I got up and walked out my door and down the spiral steps towards the ballroom with Amber hot on my trail.

"It's not old it's mature." She pinched my ass before walking through the open doors.

I walked in behind her to see many Princes that I recognized and some that I didn't.

One especially caught my eye.

"Amb? Do you know who that is?" I tried not to point so obviously.

"Who?" She muffled. She turned around from the food table with her face full of cheese and crackers.

"The one dressed in all white with the purple and gold scarf like thing on. Taking to Autumn." She squinted her eyes before pulling her glasses out of her clutch and sliding them on.

"Oh yeah that's Prince Justin of Saudi. He's sooooo sexy isn't he."

I just nodded staring at him in a daze. He had magnificent features. From his chiseled jaw structure to his flawless skin. His style was quite unique, but it worked for him.

"You should go talk to him." She smiled at me. "He's really nice." She wiggled her eyebrows.

I smiled, before making my way over to him. I was nervous but then again who wouldn't be.

On my 10 foot journey to him I was interrupted by the most arrogant, self revolved, sexiest Prince ever.

Prince Christopher.

"Ugh what do you want Christopher?" I folded my arms across my chest. I did not have time for this.

"Damn, Heaven what's up with all the hostility? It's not a very pleasing feature on women but hey I like mine with a little attitude so I'm okay with it."

"Wait wait wait." I scrunched up my face.

"Pause, rewind. My name isn't Heaven."

"I know that but Neveah spelled backwards is Heaven and I'm pretty sure that's where you're from, cause you're my angel."

"Not today Satan." I held up my hand and walked around him and made my was to Prince Justin of Saudi who was speaking to Autumn.

"Hello." I casually greeted them both before eyeing Autumn.

"Hey, Naveah this is my old friend Prince Justin of Saudi."

He bowed in front of me. "What a pleasure."

"The pleasure is all mine." I curtsied.

I got this. I thought to myself.

"Naveah.. Such a pretty name." He kissed my hand with his soft lips.

Ah fuxk, nah I don't got this.

I opened my mouth to speak a thank you, but nothing came out. I was still in shock from his lips gracing my skin.

Smooth Veah smooth.

He chuckled pulling his hand away from mine causing me to look down desperately. "Would you like to dance?" "Sí, uh I mean uh oui-"

"She'd love too." Autumn butted in for me.

He laughed again taking my hand once more and led me to the dance floor where we danced for hours upon end. Eventually it was time for the ball to end and he escorted me to my fathers table.

"Neveah, you've met a friend I see." My mother smiled slyly, gaining my fathers attention.

Imma make a part two this taken way to damn long.

Excuse any errors. Cuz it's late and I'm tired lmao.

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