What Are We?

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It's 4:13 in the morning and I'm anything but tired thinking of the one nigga that has my heart.

I started thinking about what happened earlier today.

I was at his house with him and his friends getting ready to leave. He was wrapped in a towel because he just got out the shower.

"Justin, can I have a hug?" He smiled wrapping his arms around my waist gazing down at me. Meanwhile, I looked up at him.

"Can I have a kiss?" I grinned.

"I don't kiss females anymore." He let go of me causing me to scrunch my face up.

"Fuck you mean you don't kiss females?" I rolled my eyes walking out of his room towards his best friend. "Call me tonight I got some shit to tell you."


"You need to talk to your best friend." I grumbled to Za on FaceTime.

"Why what he do?"

"He keeps giving me mixed signals?"

I gave him the whole run down on everything that happen.

"Juju gay. What type of boy doesn't want to kiss a girl?"

"I don't know.. What do you think I should do? Because I feel like he's playing games and I'm not bout to be out here wasting my time on him when I can be out here being a hoe!"

"Tell him you feel better off as friends."

"BUT THATS THE THING! I don't wanna be friends Za!"

"Well I don't know what to tell you. JuJu is just fuxking up cause you're really a down ass female. Even though that's my boy, I wouldn't recommend dating him."

I sighed staring up at my ceiling.

"Alright Za lemme call you back." I ended the FaceTime call thinking about us and our relationship.

I wanted to cry but I wasn't bout to cry over the same nigga twice.
This sucked basically because it was everything that happened to me yesterday 😂😂 like all this shit true except the boy in rl his name isn't Justin but his nickname is JuJu. He's out here playing games with me yo 🙄😩 like he wants to be protective/jealous over me and what not but then denies me of a kiss. 🤔 wth and we kiss all the time. I feel like if he doesn't want a fuxking relationship he should just tell me and not waste my time so I won't get emotionally invested in something that's never going to happen. Not finna rant anymore but if y'all wanna be nosy and kno more about me and my relationship struggles comment on this 😂.

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