Lost chances.

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"God damnit, Ethan" he whispered to himself. Tear stains ran down his cheeks. He had missed his chance. Ally was gone. Forever.He watched her take her last steps at the school, waving goodbye at her friends. She was on her way to Toronto.
He banged his head against the wall repeating "stupid,stupid,stupid"
He locked himself in his room where he'd cherish the memories he had with her.
Tears sting his eyes as he fights to hold them back. He hadn't spoken to anyone that day, because he knew that if he opened his mouth all of his feelings would come pouring out. He spent his Saturday in his room. Also his Sunday. His room lay under a pool of tissues. His phone was dead from scrolling through his pictures he took with her nonstop. His hair looked like a nest, and his face was covered in tears of anger and affection. "You're so dumb" he said to himself   "You waited 3 years and you" his voice rose as he picked up his lamp and sent it sailing across the room landing on the wall in broken pieces  "DID NOTHING, YOU DID NOTHING"  His family knew better than to come up in this time of madness.
1000 kilometres away, riding in the plane that took her from him.
"She's gone" he whispered "you lost your chance"

Ally woke up on the plane in a heap of sweat, she was breathing in heavy breathes, and was unaware that she was crying. She bolted up and ran to the bathroom.
She looked in the mirror. "You look pathetic" she said wiping the tears with her sleeve. "He's a stupid guy you don't care that much about him" she knew that she was wrong. "Oh who am I kidding! I'm in LOVE with him! Why did I leave him!" She flung open the laboratory doors and said it to her self repeatedly "I love Ethan"

"But you lost your chance"

Authors note: This is more of an intro chapter which explains why it's so short. We have a lot of hope in this story and we hope you like it xx ~ Reem and Sajida.

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