Forget about it.

8 1 1

Ethan was a tough guy. In middle school he was small but by the time 10th grade hit he was dropping jaws. Since then nothing really could get to him. But this was different. It's been months. He hadn't come out of his room. She couldn't stop thinking about him.
Ethan avoided school as much as he could and hadn't seen his best friend in a long time.

It was the knocking that woke Ethan up. The door opening with out permission, revealing a person he hadn't seen in a while.
The jet black haired boy stepped into a pool of tissues that contained Ethan feelings. They stood in silence for longer than needed. Leo stood in the doorway. His thin long legs kicked away the pile of tissues. He wiped the dirt off of his white vans. His blue flannel and black tight shirt complimented his torso. Leo's hand went through his lightly gelled hair that looked amazing. His sharp jaw clenched. Leo was a relatively happy person. Each day he smiled wider than ever and told the dumbest jokes that most people seemed to love. He was kind of like a chick magnet. Bunches of girls were after him. He was full of joy. Nothing could really mess with Leo's emotions. From time to time he'd get mad or sad but it was rare. This was different. He was so mad at Ally for what she had done. She broke his best friend. Finally the boy spoke.
"Dude, what the fuck?" Leo said, picking up the broken lamp.
"I was mad" he replied in a muffled voice. "No shit, tell me the real reason you don't come to school, you don't hang with us, and you never come to soccer practice." Ethan and Leo were star soccer players and looked good doing it.
Ethan moaned throwing a picture at  Leo. He moved to the side without hesitation and let it hit the wall. "Seriously dude. I got over it, Nate got over it, for fucks sake even Hazel and Zoe got over it!"
Ethan stood revealing that he'd lost weight and grew a few inches in the process of his mourning-almost as tall as Leo. "Wow. You look horrible" Leo said while fixing his own hair in the cracked mirror. Ethan moaned and wiped his head with the sleeve of his shirt. Surprisingly he still had his award winning smile that he flashed as Leo pulled out a comb out of his back pocket and insisted to brush Ethan's dark brown hair himself. Pushing Leo back Ethan said "No man you put way too much gel" Ethan was quite the looker. His sloped nose and soft smile made everyone wonder why he didn't tell Ally about his feelings- she would've fallen for him. He had soft poofy hair that was mostly put into a side quiff. He was tall and built and had the giggle of a little boy. Leo chased him around the cooped up room and pinned him down without need of effort. He started combing his now long hair into a quiff. Leo said between gasps of air "Godamnit, when's the last time you showered" he said as he stood  up and threw a towel at Ethan. "Hit the shower" he said bringing a smile to Ethan's face at the imitation of their gym teacher. "You got 30 mins"  Ethan walked out of the room smiling.
Ethan later walked into his now clean room. "Woah it smells like-" Ethan began.
"Not shit, yeah I know" Leo finished and with that they walked out the house to go find something to do.

Meanwhile 4000 kilometres away Ally was doing so well. She sat on her bed reading a book after finishing her Netflix marathon. She looked away from The Fever Code, see as she'd got a text from a "long time no see" person.
"Ethan finally got the hell outta his room" the text read.
"Wait what?"  She said.
She put down her book and averted her gaze to her phone where she got a text from Zoe one of her best friends.
Z:ohh u haven't heard?
A: Uhmm NoO?! WHAT?!
Z: Ethan is in like love with u and spent the last 3 months in his room!
A: oh my god..
Z: Apparently.
A:...I'll have to talk to u later Zo.

She set her phone down in shock. "IT WASNT A DREAM! OH MY GOD ITS WASNT JUST A DREAM" she said jumping off walls in her room.


"Why pink?" Leo asked "I'm not sure it seemed cool." Ethan said looking down at his pink slushie.
"Oh well" the said in unison.
They had spent the last 3 hours shopping for clothes and several PS4 games. Ethan's PS was one of the only things he hadn't broken during his "phase".
"Seriously dude you liked her that much?" Leo had finally asked the question that was on his mind for the last 3 months. "Why?"
Ethan had to think for a few seconds "Because," he had never spoken his feeling for anyone, but he trusted Leo. "Well she's gorgeous, and those eyes, don't even get me started on her smile" he said dreamily and before he knew it he was spilling everything.
"She doesn't care what people think but still has so many hidden fears and oh my go-"
"Shut the fuck up" Leo interrupted with a smirk. Ethan giggled. "Listen here it's dumb as hell to screw your life over for some girl who's GONE! Hate to break it to you bud but she's gone you lost your chance it's over. No matter how rude I am, I'm sure she doesn't give a fuck about you." A frown formed on his face then turned into a face of understanding. "pREaCh" Zoe and Hazel said laughing. Leo and Ethan hadn't realized they came back.
They laughed.
"What do you guys think?" Ethan said thirsty for an answer.
"Well, statistics show tha-" Hazel  started but got cut off by Zoe  shoving her. Hazel and Zoe were best friends since grade school. But they were the exact opposite. Zoe had glasses and braces but wasn't the nerd type. Hazel on the other hand had none of those and was a complete nerd. Hazel wore a hijab styled in cute ways each day whereas Zoe let her strawberry blonde hair out. Hazel had a perky nose and a soft smile. Hazels tanned skin brought out her black eyes. She was awesome at comebacks and could kill someone with a state and was real brave. She never swore unlike Zoe. Zoe had pale skin and rosey cheeks. She was hilarious and swore whenever she wanted to. She wasn't afraid to take risks and had a huge crush on Leo. Huge. "No seriously E. she's gone.. We texted her today but she didn't really seem to care.. She never even knew that you were crazy about her! I say you give up she's in Toronto now probably found some guy. I hate to say it like this" Zoe  said laying a hand on his shoulder in sympathy. "I bet I was gonna say that until I got rudely cut off by someone!" 
Hazel said. "Y-you guys are.. Right" Ethan said with a face of realization "she's gone and I have to accept that" he continued "I'm over her" he said smiling flicking the picture in the trash can. The 4 walked away.
Little did they know they were all terribly wrong.
Authors note: Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Qotc: (question of the chapter)
Do you think Ethan is FULLY over Ally?
Thanks for reading!
Again sorry it's short.

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