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I wake up to the sounds of...wait, there are no sounds. I slowly crack my eyes and am immediately blinded by the rays of light slipping through the cracks in my window. Quickly closing my eyelids and going back to the safe darkness behind them I train my ears to listen. Normally when I wake up I can hear the people in the streets going to work and my parents getting ready. Feeling a little concerned but not overly panicked, I slowly slide my feet over to the side of my bed. I brush it off as one of the rare occasions where all adults are sent for early hours duty.

As I slowly open my eyes again and adjust to the light, I look around my bedroom. It is a mess. A total mess. My plain gray sheets are thrown and twisted and one of my pillows is on the floor. I sigh and slowly try to make my bed presentable and then press the button on the wall that slides my bed out of sight.

"Good Morning Risa M. Finnow!" the cheery automated voice greets me, "Was your sleep sufficient?"

"Yes." I answer groggily

After a few seconds to process my answer the AIS, or Auto Intelligence System, continues with the daily morning process.

"Whenever you are ready, please recite the national motto."

"Ready," I say cueing the voice recorder, "I pledge my life to the Nation, the glorious Nation, and to its citizens forever. I will obey authority and do as I am required. Security before privacy and consistency before freedom."

"Your pledge has been accepted Ms. Finnow! Please serve your nation faithfully today!"

"Always will I serve."

Seeming satisfied with the usual and required response of every citizen, the AIS triggers the bathroom door to open and starts the water of my shower. I quickly rush into the bathroom and undress, throwing my clothes into the sanitation drawer. It beeps and retracts sending my clothing to be washed. I step into the open sonic shower at the end of the open marble hall and begin to drench away the sleepiness hovering over my mind.

The shower sprays water for exactly two minutes and then switches to spraying the shampoo laden water. I thoroughly scrub my hair before it switches again to a body wash. A slot opens in the wall and a loofa is deposited for my use. As the soapy water sprays, I gratefully wash off the sweat from yesterday. Pure water turns back on and I put the loofa back into the drawer which promptly closes.

While rinsing off, a small jet in the side sprays conditioner and I condition my hair before returning to the spray. After the shower has been on exactly nine minutes it shuts off. I then walk through the laser part of the hall which takes away any unwanted hair. I read in history a few years back that people used to use things called razors to shave with. This is much more efficient and painless. Next I continue down the hall into the drier section and high powered vents blow hot air all over to dry me off. After three minutes the process is done and I exit the hall.

I enter my closet and open the cabinet labeled "Friday" and put on the clothes regulated for my work assignment later today. I swiftly put my long, wavy, dirty blonde hair into a high pony and exit the bathroom. Once I'm back into my bedroom I pick up the mess and continue to the door that leads to the kitchen. I put my thumb on the scanner and the door opens.

"Mom," I call, "Dad?"

No one replies so I guess either their vibration alarm on their bed didn't wake them or in fact, it actually is one of those rare occasions. I didn't know how wrong I was.

I  step into the kitchen to eat my breakfast and decide to investigate later. I would do it now but my grumbling stomach protests against it. I step onto the pressure rug in front of the fridge and the doors fly open. I take a bottle of orange juice off the shelf and the shelf retracts. I continue pulling one item off each shelf, getting the correct amount of nutrience from each food group and as I do, each closes me out so I can't eat more than necessary. I scarf down my food and throw my utensils in the sanitation drawer. It closes and I hear the familiar steam dousing the dishes to clean them.

Once I finish, I decide to go investigate and to wake them up, if they really did oversleep, so they have time to get ready for work. I walk to their door and place my finger on the scanner and the door opens to reveal...nothing. My parents aren't there. The room looks like they never even went to bed that night before. Clean room, made bed, and their work clothes are still stacked in the closet.

I think maybe they went early, but why would their work clothes be here? I take my SkyPhone out of my pocket and put my thumb on the screen. The phone opens and the holographic options pop up above my eyes. I skim through and stick my finger through the phone option hologram.

"Call mom," I say hoping she answers. As it dials her number her phone on the counter rings. Defeated I look over, and my dad's phone is also there.

"What the heck..." I start to say.

I run into the kitchen and look out the window. No one in the streets, in their hovercars, and no noise.

"Where is everyone!" I panic.

I open the window and stick my head around. Still nothing. I run down the stairs of our apartment and outside, not even bothering to put on shoes.

"HELLLOOOOOOO," I scream to anyone willing to listen "WHERE IS EVERYONE?" Strangely enough, no one answers. I pull out my phone and call my parents' work building. No answer.

"What to do, what to do?" I ask myself out loud.

"AIS?" I summon the computer.

"Yes Ms. Finnow, how may I be of assistance?"

"Please locate my parents." After a few seconds of data searching the AIS replies.

"Mrs. Angela M. Finnow, and Mr. Erik L. Finnow are not present in the boundaries of the States of Function."


"I'm sorry that is not a listed command."

"Um, can you locate the nearest citizen?"

"There are only two citizens located in the boundaries of the States of Function."


"The citizens are: Ms. Risa M. Finnow, and Mr.  Aspen K. Lassiter."


well, if you have read this, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! this is my first book, so hang in there. I went back and changed some small details, so if you get confused I would re-read this chapter. also, any advice is welcome on what you would like to see happen, and you can help decide the fate of the characters...I will put questions at the end and the most voted for will influence the next chapter.

choose one option:
• go find him
• wait for him
• look for answers

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